I am an Ego! We have adopted "Ego" from a Greek word Ego, which means "I". The very fact that I have been writing this post and while I write it I am aware that I have been writing it (I think , therefore I am) means that i exist as a separate individual distinctive in my attributes.
I am selfish Ego, trying to say something to you all, thus my ideas are imposed to you. Still, my ideas are meant to be well intentioned(hopefully), therefore there is a glint of hope for me that I am not so selfish and I am trying to improve myself.
We all, who try, who search, who blend together prove that there is hope for all of us who hint at an existence of something much more than this house of clay we are imprisoned into.
Our Reality is an entity composed of classes,while classes are composed of objects. There are 3 distinctive classes living matter, non-living matter and somewhere in between(semi-living matter such as organic matter made of carbon and semi-living organisms such as viruses).
Class non-living matter consists of anything that We(intelligent human beings) worked out names of; mountains, rivers, water, stars, galaxies....and thousands other references and another millions that we will think of in the future. All these are objects mentioned above that are spanned into a Class of non-living matter.
Class living matter contains anything that We gave name to: bacteria, insects, animals... All these objects belong to a Class of living matter.
The 3 Classes as well as all objects have 3 mutual attributes: Size, mass and duration i.e. Time. This means that the entire Reality that everything co-exists in has its own size, mass and is marked by Time within which every Class and Object exhibit themselves. Size and mass are functions of Time, which means that in time Size and mass alter. For instance, a big rock can crumble or shrink as Time passes.
Attributes of living matter
Be that as it may, as for living matter, things get a bit more complicated, especially for highly developed and self-aware creatures, such as humans. Let's pay attention to a lower organisms first...
Bacteria mainly feed on some other larger organisms and humans are not an exception. They can enter our body feed on us, reproduce and die. Pure and simple: their activities are strictly related to their inborn instinct to eat. They do not have other "Wishes" apart from their appetite and they are driven solely by their Instincts.If we skip a little more developed organisms and move directly to lions we see that they exhibit a little bit more "sophisticated" Wishes. Not only that they want to feed themselves, but they show greed to a certain extent.For instance, a chief of the pride will mate all the females and stops the other males from mating. Similarly, a portion of meat of hunted animals with the best quality goes to the head of a pride and his offspring. So, in the case of lions Wishes seem to be increased.
Now, let's move on the most developed species on earth, humans. Apart from all other basic Wishes mentioned above we increased the number of Wishes to a head-blowing number. Big cars, power, self-realization, career fight, gadgets, apparatus, bog houses, gardens to enjoy ourselves, easy love to relax after a few drinks...But, how to manage to fulfill all those Wishes? Besides, are we aware that it is getting ever more difficult to provide ourselves with all those commodities? After all, only a small percentage of all humans on earth will manage to provide enough funds to enjoy the "privileges " that civilization offers.
So far, you will have perceived that Wishes is an attribute of importance added to the 3 main attributes above. Considering the trend over the past 50 years it bodes ill to all of us if we continue without changes. The worst thing is that the more we want to adopt, the more complicated our life gets as we will need to spend time, money and efforts to maintain what we have adopted.As I mentioned in the other pages of this blog, the main reason for high occurrences of mental diseases nowadays is exactly our lust for material things, which is not our real nature.
Attributes of non-living matter
Mass, Size and Time.These are main attributes of non-living matter. Of course there are some other attributes that go by implication, such as velocity(velocity is equal to Path(Size) divided by Time), momentum equals to Mass multiplied by velocity, and so on). In this Reality, we as conscious beings can determine at any moment the position of any object if we know its mass, velocity and angle(angle is actually a subattribute of Size) by means of simple Newtonian equation. For example, if we know the mass, starting velocity and angle and if we shoot off a ball we can calculate the exact position at any moment of the ball. In other words we live in a deterministic world where under certain conditions we can predict the future. In order to predict the future all that we need is to have sufficient input data and... job done!
Anyway, if we decide to shift ourselves in a micro world things start to become weird. Micro particles will not allow us to know their entire spectrum of attributes, actually if we measure their momentum, the more accurately we determine it, the less accurate we will know their position. At a certain point if measurement shows the exact momentum(it is not possible to measure it absolutely exactly, but let's assume that it is possible) of a micro particle, this means that it can be anywhere in the Universe!!! Newtonian laws do not apply in this weird and spooky world!!! This results in Heisenberg's equation of uncertainty . The more we know about a certain attribute of a particle, the more we feel pressure of constraints to reveal the value of any other attribute. Actually, in this case we are dealing with another Reality different than our Reality that we are accustomed to. But, what Reality is Real? Logic reasoning imposes that the Reality of the micro world is Real(at least if it is not totally Real, one thing is for sure, that it is more Real than our Reality) because everything in the Universe is made from micro particles!
A Wise Man once said
A couple of thousands of years there was a wise man, which I( an Ego) personally adore, who underlined a very important message: "You people have a free will to decide what to do in your life"
This wise man explained that in order to connect to God, we need to show attributes which for vast majority will be difficult to accept. It is not an easy task to give up an easy life, with a lot of money in our pockets(or a hope for a lot of money in the pocket), big car and plenty of beautiful girls to accompany us. All that the Wise Man wanted from us is to believe in God and His righteous nature without seeing Him with our eyes and hear Him with our ears and smell Him with our nose. The Wise Man could have brought God directly to earth to reveal Him visually to us, but in that case we would have been made to believe in God as we had all seen Him. In this case the principle of "free will" messaged from the Wise Man will be violated because we have all seen God with our eyes and as a consequence, knowing our weakling nature, we will all accept existence of God, and therefore accept His rules. This is called "bargain" in the sense:"Well, God we have seen you. Now we believe that You exist and we are assured of your power and we love You". But, even more: In this case Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty will be violated as well, because the very fact of God's appearance means certainty that God exists.
Somehow, Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the message from the Wise Man about our free will correspond to each other and overlap. Perhaps, God exist within the micro world where only probabilities (strength of ideas) for a certain materialization reside. The more conscious we become and the firmer our bond with God grows, the better materialized world we will create together with our Creator. Superficial materialization, such as big cars, crowded cities, large houses with unnecessary gadgets and flaunted lust will be cast in oblivion as time flows.
Hope for a loss of our Egos should be our objective. We need to melt together with God in one entity and then I will stop writing posts as my Ego will be lost. We cannot have money, power, easy "material" life and sincerely love God as well, because logical reasoning based on Uncertainty principle forbids that.
Have a good time
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