Step 1
This page provides you with practical pieces of advice so that you can effectively reduce depression and anxiety. Nevertheless, my principal objective is not only to ease the pain you feel as a result, but ultimately to turn these disorders in refreshment, happiness at discrete moments and most optimistically enlightenment. I decide to divide these pieces of advice in two steps.
Let us go with the first ones; as I mentioned before in one of the previous pages, Physical Activity is very effective and it gives you stable emotional state and feeling of calmness and this occurs especially when you practice moderate efforts.
A friend of mine Sanela Drindige following my suggestion to take up jogging explains that after any mild activity which involves jogging as well as moderate workout in a gym she feels just like she is "reborn" again. She says that her anxiety has dramatically dropped over the past 4 years and beside that, she has lost some weight and feels more proud of herself for her successful efforts.
Handol Mihnu is a male from one of the Asian countries and my acquaintance for some time. Fed up with the conditions he faced in his country he came out of the closet and entirely opened up a few years ago that he was a homosexual who was badly treated by his country's anti-homosexuality law. Consequently, he became addicted to drugs for which we all know is not exactly some benefit, right? After years of struggle by means of moderate labour in one of the villages where his uncle lived and regular contacts with his friends and relatives he feels great and is a bang new person now.
"Chemicals were released that could change an athlete’s mood, and those chemicals were endorphins, the brain’s naturally occurring opiates. Running was not the only way to get the feeling; it could also occur with most intense or endurance exercise.", medical doctors say! This means that whenever we feel down, there is no need for us to go and get drunk, or maybe to take some drug to make us dizzy and drown our problems in it! We just need to try some natural drugs i.e. opiates produced by our body exposed to labour i.e. physical activity!
Also, there is another very interesting approach for which I can testify as a proven method to prevent depression in a short term: Change of Daily Routines. Never go to work on the same route, or never wake up in the same time, or go to bed in the same hour.
At certain times you may need to skip entire night without sleep at all.The following day may be terrible, but at least you will get rid of depression for a while.
Try to think of new things different from those a day before, some unusual things that will make you feel excited and thrilled. Simply, try to be innovative.
Absorb Beauties of Nature! A nasty injure I used to have once! My foot hurt and I limped; I got myself some cream from the local pharmacy and I rubbed my foot regularly. After a month the pain did not let up, anyway I was lucky that winter had just gone, so I took advantage of the good weather, I took my socks off and I walked barefoot on the grass, feeling the morning dew. Three days later I felt such a relieving sensation in my foot;I was able to walk again and it was quite an improvement.
At least once a week you should go hiking or mountaineering or at least visit the nearby park.
Take off your socks and walk barefoot on the grass. Feel the Mother earth which used to be so close to us for such a long time, let it nurse you with Her energy.
Take off your dress and naked offer a hug to trees. Lie down naked on the grass, feel its freshness and revitalising energy passing through your chest filling your entire body. After a long time you will feel charged again, your inertial energy is nudged to flow again and flowing means Life! You will become aware that trees and grass and every single plant used to be your brothers and sisters once and now they are strangers. Try to re-connect with our basic instincts which used to guide us for thousands of years into our survival as a species. Establish again your real ancestors which are forgotten now that have helped so many generations of us to exist in harsh conditions . Simply, Show Respect to the earth that raised you.
Last, but not the least, try to undertake some intellectual activity. We are all children of nature and yet we have evolved into intelligent entity. We cannot ignore this fact! Yes, we are intelligent species and we must comply with that fact! Attempt to find your place in the choices of your interest. Educate yourself! Activate your brain and solve some intellectual puzzles. Whenever you solve even one of them you will feel enormous pleasure, which in turn will harm depression seriously. Intellectual activity prevents brain from calcifying and this fact is well-known in almost any book of alternative medicine. Just as you develop your muscles and cleanse your internal organs whilst running or working out, you will develop and cleanse your brain by reading or by activating your brain. By this you increase the speed of the blood and higher speed means that you cleanse your entire body. You can find analogy anywhere in the nature: Running natural water is cleaner, so you can drink it, bathe in it and most importantly it is rich with free electrons which is very healthy. Also, slim and dynamic people not only that live longer than the others, but also have much more fulfilling time.
You may find it difficult to start with jogging or a gym at the beginning, however, if your physician does not claim otherwise you can start gradually with longer walks and then slowly increase an intensity. The most important is to listen to your body needs as it will set the tempo of your actions undertaken. Of course, the start may be found a bit tricky and unpleasant and this is where "No pains, no gains" applies. Do not despair; in time you will find it challenging to achieve better results as it flows and once all these physical activities are mixed with long and invigorating walks in a countryside your enjoyment will steadily rise.
Step 2
It is November 02 2015 at the moment. I remember just a few months ago I was walking in Oxford street in London,on Saturday afternoon. Crowded street, thousands and thousands of people in rush everyone with their own issues and intentions. It was the moment when I felt great sadness inside of me, so many people around me and yet so lonely I was. Pale faces without sharp expression, like robots buzzing around seemingly without living cells and emotions. I wondered:"Do these blokes feel sometimes lonely? Are they aware that they have steered away from the right path? Did they reconcile themselves with their common way of living? Caught in a pattern being established for centuries and assuming it to be a path that cannot be avoided!
I grabbed my bike and in a few hours I found myself on a beautiful hill, flowers around me, fresh scents and green grass. No men around me, absolutely alone,without any external influence of any achievements human kind has managed to reach; no asphalt, no buildings, no walls to block rays of the sun. This is the place where I was alone, but not lonely. This is the place where The Connection is re-established! My mind was fresh again, a beautiful poem started to getting composed and a new elegant solution of a complex computer software problem that had bothered me suddenly emerged out of nowhere.
As a software engineer I have been trained to reason logically and that mathematics is in the core of anything that we are surrounded with. I have always thought that there must be general equation that can explain everything, starting from micro-world up to the Universe. Pragmatic mind seeks proof for any conclusion implied. On the other hand, I ask myself: " How can short visit to a countryside and meditating that we, plants, hills are just a small parts of something bigger make me open myself to something that spurs my creativity. Just hours before I was sad walking on Oxford street and later on the hill I felt refreshed, invigorated, creative!"
I our history there were a great deal of more creative people than me who suffered from depression, anxiety, panic disorder, compulsive disorders and similar! This fact has led scientist to believe that there is a strong link between mental disorders and creativity. Edvard Munch who died 70 years ago was a famous Norwegian painter who suffered from anxiety;"I am unable to describe what is the matter with me. Now and then there are horrible fits of anxiety, apparently without cause" Vincent van Gogh stated once; Charles Dickens, Tennessee Williams, Eugene O'Neill all suffered from clinical depression; american artist Jackson Pollock suffered from depression and alcoholism; Leann Rimes and Abraham Lincoln from anxiety; Johnny Depp, Kate Moss, Emma Stone,Kim Basinger, Adele struggled with panic disorder; Ludwig Von Beethoven and Winston Churchill had Bipolar disorder; Leo Tolstoy was depressive; Isaac Newton suffered from "everything", he had frequent ups and downs in a mood, indicating bipolar disorder on occasions and autism. Albert Einstein's son lived with schizophrenia, as James Joyce's daughter did.
I employed logic reasoning and I got a conclusion: Depression and anxiety are the dark side of man's potential to create; Depression and anxiety on one side and implemented Creativity on the other are different intensities of one single dimension,which is Creative energy.Depression and anxiety are actually potential Creativity which is not implemented!
This means that for some reason(this reason could be lack of information or some other) a depressed person cannot find a way or did not even try to transform his/her depression into implemented Creation!
(see the graph below where starting from now x=0, you can turn your depression and anxiety g(x) into Implemented Creativity f(x))
To explain what I mentioned above:
Cold and hot are different intensities of a Temperature dimension. If you warm up some cold object it will become hot and in order to become hot you have to find a method to warm it up, for example it may be fire.
Thin and fat are different intensities of a Weight dimension. If you eat less(which is a method to lose weight) then you can change Fat intensity into Thin intensity ...and a lot more examples.
Now, you may ask yourself' "What Method should I apply to turn my Depression (Anxiety)intensity into Implemented Creativity intensity?".I, personally, suggest that you should reformulate your question into "What Method should I apply to turn my Depression(Anxiety) into Enlightenment?"
To give you a hint... All those famous artist, scientists, painters and so on that I enumerated above did not manage to cure their disorders(at least some of them, as for the rest, I really do not know) and there is a certain way to annul disorders and even more, to transform them into fulfillment, which is Connection with the Whole.
Generally taken,people with mental disorders belong to a group of sensitive, well-intentioned and intelligent individuals. They have an ability to pick up all the subtle signals that we all receive subconsciously; and some of them are more aware then the others about the nature of these signals.But, what kind of signals we are talking about! Where do they come from?**
Our universe is not composed of separate parts, such as planets, stars, meteors and many other known and unknown, but instead they are all connected as parts of continuous fabric of space-time.Einstein claims that there is a concept of Gravity that keeps every larger objects together(although the concept of Gravity is not entirely explained) and gravity is a force that needs time to transmit from one large object to another(for example Einstein claims that if the Sun blasts the Earth will continue to revolve around in circle for the next app. 8 minutes and this time is actually needed the information about the explosion of the Sun to reach the Earth). So, Einstein advocates "separation" and inter-influence of objects, regardless of their size, i.e. these objects could be atoms or planets and communication between them travels with the maximum speed which is same with the speed of light(according to Einstein Gravity force transmits with the speed of light). But Einstein Ego has been getting hurt over the past few years when quantum physicists discovered the existence of entangled particles (more about entangled particles at <cure for pain(special)>), where information between them is transmitted instantaneously, regardless of their distance. This is the first proof of continuity and compactness of the entire universe, which in turn implies that we are closely related(woven) to all objects, visible and invisible around us, at any distance, from "nm" to "light years".
To get back to the paragraph** above where I mentioned about the ability of depressive and anxious persons to pick up signals. They are diffusely sent out everywhere in the universe, but not everyone or everything has the skill to collect them and break them down into their genuine meaning. These signals are actually constant attempts from the "wise", overall and constantly fluctuating energy to join with us, i.e. with our energy. We have all felt intuition, premonition, deja vu("already seen" translation from French language), clairvoyance and so on. All these are proofs of the signals trying to connect with us, trying to explain that there is something else beyond our normal senses of sight, hearing, smell(apart from these there is sixth sense as well and we should pay attention to it.)
Modern way of living interferes with decoding of all these signals that come to us. We are constantly under pressure to keep our job, to pay our bills on time, to go to a grocery by 10 a.m., to prepare meal for children as well as another thousands of activities and a large part of them are imposed to us for no reason. All these types of pressure prevents us from decoding the subconscious signals which ultimately results in mental disorders. The worst thing is that if we continue with this trend we will further steer away from our natural course and mental disorders will grow. Connection with the Whole should be our objective and our solution.
To additionally and more thoroughly explain the phenomenon of the Whole click a Step Towards Meaning of Life
This page provides you with practical pieces of advice so that you can effectively reduce depression and anxiety. Nevertheless, my principal objective is not only to ease the pain you feel as a result, but ultimately to turn these disorders in refreshment, happiness at discrete moments and most optimistically enlightenment. I decide to divide these pieces of advice in two steps.
Let us go with the first ones; as I mentioned before in one of the previous pages, Physical Activity is very effective and it gives you stable emotional state and feeling of calmness and this occurs especially when you practice moderate efforts.
A friend of mine Sanela Drindige following my suggestion to take up jogging explains that after any mild activity which involves jogging as well as moderate workout in a gym she feels just like she is "reborn" again. She says that her anxiety has dramatically dropped over the past 4 years and beside that, she has lost some weight and feels more proud of herself for her successful efforts.
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Three happy ladies |
Handol Mihnu is a male from one of the Asian countries and my acquaintance for some time. Fed up with the conditions he faced in his country he came out of the closet and entirely opened up a few years ago that he was a homosexual who was badly treated by his country's anti-homosexuality law. Consequently, he became addicted to drugs for which we all know is not exactly some benefit, right? After years of struggle by means of moderate labour in one of the villages where his uncle lived and regular contacts with his friends and relatives he feels great and is a bang new person now.
"Chemicals were released that could change an athlete’s mood, and those chemicals were endorphins, the brain’s naturally occurring opiates. Running was not the only way to get the feeling; it could also occur with most intense or endurance exercise.", medical doctors say! This means that whenever we feel down, there is no need for us to go and get drunk, or maybe to take some drug to make us dizzy and drown our problems in it! We just need to try some natural drugs i.e. opiates produced by our body exposed to labour i.e. physical activity!
Also, there is another very interesting approach for which I can testify as a proven method to prevent depression in a short term: Change of Daily Routines. Never go to work on the same route, or never wake up in the same time, or go to bed in the same hour.
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Danger on the road |
Try to think of new things different from those a day before, some unusual things that will make you feel excited and thrilled. Simply, try to be innovative.
Absorb Beauties of Nature! A nasty injure I used to have once! My foot hurt and I limped; I got myself some cream from the local pharmacy and I rubbed my foot regularly. After a month the pain did not let up, anyway I was lucky that winter had just gone, so I took advantage of the good weather, I took my socks off and I walked barefoot on the grass, feeling the morning dew. Three days later I felt such a relieving sensation in my foot;I was able to walk again and it was quite an improvement.
At least once a week you should go hiking or mountaineering or at least visit the nearby park.
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Take from nature and give back |
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You are me, I am you |
Last, but not the least, try to undertake some intellectual activity. We are all children of nature and yet we have evolved into intelligent entity. We cannot ignore this fact! Yes, we are intelligent species and we must comply with that fact! Attempt to find your place in the choices of your interest. Educate yourself! Activate your brain and solve some intellectual puzzles. Whenever you solve even one of them you will feel enormous pleasure, which in turn will harm depression seriously. Intellectual activity prevents brain from calcifying and this fact is well-known in almost any book of alternative medicine. Just as you develop your muscles and cleanse your internal organs whilst running or working out, you will develop and cleanse your brain by reading or by activating your brain. By this you increase the speed of the blood and higher speed means that you cleanse your entire body. You can find analogy anywhere in the nature: Running natural water is cleaner, so you can drink it, bathe in it and most importantly it is rich with free electrons which is very healthy. Also, slim and dynamic people not only that live longer than the others, but also have much more fulfilling time.
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Non-calcified brain |
You may find it difficult to start with jogging or a gym at the beginning, however, if your physician does not claim otherwise you can start gradually with longer walks and then slowly increase an intensity. The most important is to listen to your body needs as it will set the tempo of your actions undertaken. Of course, the start may be found a bit tricky and unpleasant and this is where "No pains, no gains" applies. Do not despair; in time you will find it challenging to achieve better results as it flows and once all these physical activities are mixed with long and invigorating walks in a countryside your enjoyment will steadily rise.
Step 2
It is November 02 2015 at the moment. I remember just a few months ago I was walking in Oxford street in London,on Saturday afternoon. Crowded street, thousands and thousands of people in rush everyone with their own issues and intentions. It was the moment when I felt great sadness inside of me, so many people around me and yet so lonely I was. Pale faces without sharp expression, like robots buzzing around seemingly without living cells and emotions. I wondered:"Do these blokes feel sometimes lonely? Are they aware that they have steered away from the right path? Did they reconcile themselves with their common way of living? Caught in a pattern being established for centuries and assuming it to be a path that cannot be avoided!
I grabbed my bike and in a few hours I found myself on a beautiful hill, flowers around me, fresh scents and green grass. No men around me, absolutely alone,without any external influence of any achievements human kind has managed to reach; no asphalt, no buildings, no walls to block rays of the sun. This is the place where I was alone, but not lonely. This is the place where The Connection is re-established! My mind was fresh again, a beautiful poem started to getting composed and a new elegant solution of a complex computer software problem that had bothered me suddenly emerged out of nowhere.
As a software engineer I have been trained to reason logically and that mathematics is in the core of anything that we are surrounded with. I have always thought that there must be general equation that can explain everything, starting from micro-world up to the Universe. Pragmatic mind seeks proof for any conclusion implied. On the other hand, I ask myself: " How can short visit to a countryside and meditating that we, plants, hills are just a small parts of something bigger make me open myself to something that spurs my creativity. Just hours before I was sad walking on Oxford street and later on the hill I felt refreshed, invigorated, creative!"
I our history there were a great deal of more creative people than me who suffered from depression, anxiety, panic disorder, compulsive disorders and similar! This fact has led scientist to believe that there is a strong link between mental disorders and creativity. Edvard Munch who died 70 years ago was a famous Norwegian painter who suffered from anxiety;"I am unable to describe what is the matter with me. Now and then there are horrible fits of anxiety, apparently without cause" Vincent van Gogh stated once; Charles Dickens, Tennessee Williams, Eugene O'Neill all suffered from clinical depression; american artist Jackson Pollock suffered from depression and alcoholism; Leann Rimes and Abraham Lincoln from anxiety; Johnny Depp, Kate Moss, Emma Stone,Kim Basinger, Adele struggled with panic disorder; Ludwig Von Beethoven and Winston Churchill had Bipolar disorder; Leo Tolstoy was depressive; Isaac Newton suffered from "everything", he had frequent ups and downs in a mood, indicating bipolar disorder on occasions and autism. Albert Einstein's son lived with schizophrenia, as James Joyce's daughter did.
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van Gogh's self-portrait after he sliced his ear |
I employed logic reasoning and I got a conclusion: Depression and anxiety are the dark side of man's potential to create; Depression and anxiety on one side and implemented Creativity on the other are different intensities of one single dimension,which is Creative energy.Depression and anxiety are actually potential Creativity which is not implemented!
This means that for some reason(this reason could be lack of information or some other) a depressed person cannot find a way or did not even try to transform his/her depression into implemented Creation!
(see the graph below where starting from now x=0, you can turn your depression and anxiety g(x) into Implemented Creativity f(x))
To explain what I mentioned above:
Cold and hot are different intensities of a Temperature dimension. If you warm up some cold object it will become hot and in order to become hot you have to find a method to warm it up, for example it may be fire.
Thin and fat are different intensities of a Weight dimension. If you eat less(which is a method to lose weight) then you can change Fat intensity into Thin intensity ...and a lot more examples.
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x-flow of time; y-creative energy dimension, f(x)=3-im- plemented creativity, g(x) -depression and anxiety |
Now, you may ask yourself' "What Method should I apply to turn my Depression (Anxiety)intensity into Implemented Creativity intensity?".I, personally, suggest that you should reformulate your question into "What Method should I apply to turn my Depression(Anxiety) into Enlightenment?"
To give you a hint... All those famous artist, scientists, painters and so on that I enumerated above did not manage to cure their disorders(at least some of them, as for the rest, I really do not know) and there is a certain way to annul disorders and even more, to transform them into fulfillment, which is Connection with the Whole.
Generally taken,people with mental disorders belong to a group of sensitive, well-intentioned and intelligent individuals. They have an ability to pick up all the subtle signals that we all receive subconsciously; and some of them are more aware then the others about the nature of these signals.But, what kind of signals we are talking about! Where do they come from?**
Our universe is not composed of separate parts, such as planets, stars, meteors and many other known and unknown, but instead they are all connected as parts of continuous fabric of space-time.Einstein claims that there is a concept of Gravity that keeps every larger objects together(although the concept of Gravity is not entirely explained) and gravity is a force that needs time to transmit from one large object to another(for example Einstein claims that if the Sun blasts the Earth will continue to revolve around in circle for the next app. 8 minutes and this time is actually needed the information about the explosion of the Sun to reach the Earth). So, Einstein advocates "separation" and inter-influence of objects, regardless of their size, i.e. these objects could be atoms or planets and communication between them travels with the maximum speed which is same with the speed of light(according to Einstein Gravity force transmits with the speed of light). But Einstein Ego has been getting hurt over the past few years when quantum physicists discovered the existence of entangled particles (more about entangled particles at <cure for pain(special)>), where information between them is transmitted instantaneously, regardless of their distance. This is the first proof of continuity and compactness of the entire universe, which in turn implies that we are closely related(woven) to all objects, visible and invisible around us, at any distance, from "nm" to "light years".
To get back to the paragraph** above where I mentioned about the ability of depressive and anxious persons to pick up signals. They are diffusely sent out everywhere in the universe, but not everyone or everything has the skill to collect them and break them down into their genuine meaning. These signals are actually constant attempts from the "wise", overall and constantly fluctuating energy to join with us, i.e. with our energy. We have all felt intuition, premonition, deja vu("already seen" translation from French language), clairvoyance and so on. All these are proofs of the signals trying to connect with us, trying to explain that there is something else beyond our normal senses of sight, hearing, smell(apart from these there is sixth sense as well and we should pay attention to it.)
Modern way of living interferes with decoding of all these signals that come to us. We are constantly under pressure to keep our job, to pay our bills on time, to go to a grocery by 10 a.m., to prepare meal for children as well as another thousands of activities and a large part of them are imposed to us for no reason. All these types of pressure prevents us from decoding the subconscious signals which ultimately results in mental disorders. The worst thing is that if we continue with this trend we will further steer away from our natural course and mental disorders will grow. Connection with the Whole should be our objective and our solution.
To additionally and more thoroughly explain the phenomenon of the Whole click a Step Towards Meaning of Life
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