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1) Something (or someone) complies with our knowledge
"Mother, please throw me in a junkyard and wish me the best" there is a saying in some cultures! This may sound odd to you, but there is a sage philosophy in it!
A mother can be poor and does not have enough funds to raise her kid and cries out:" Can someone please adopt my child and provide it with decent future?", or she just prays silently:" Oh, God, I am so poor, please help my child, take care of it!"
Could just luck help the child? Maybe yes, maybe no! I will try to help you with the answer.
For thousands of years there are enlightened people who have claimed to receive messages from God with a mission to open up people's eyes to the truth of existence of God trying to pave up their behavior according to His nature, but with no significant success! People have continued with their simple shallow wishes, far away from the path which God has planned for us! But, God is merciful, He does not give up so easily, although we have failed Him on vast number of occasions.
Even for those who have been steering away from Him for so long, he decided to show signs as a proof of Him and I address to scientists. For a long time science has disputed existence of supernatural force and has been the most fierce enemy of the religions in Europe in a classical sense of the word. Not being aware where scientists have been headed, accidentally they faced such a strange paradox in an experiment which took place two centuries ago, puzzling relevant experts ever since,with many implementations even today, and that is Double Slit experiment. Even though I have presented this video at "Cure for depression(special)" page, I decide to go with it again:
Photons(the same applies to any other small particles) from a laser beam(LS) pass through a double-slit and then hit a crystal at point A or B depending on which slit they traversed. Such a crystal has a special property, namely when it absorbs a photon it re-emits from the same point a pair of entangled photons going in opposite directions (right and left in the figure below). This allows to determine the path of one photon by measuring the other, possibly even after the first already hit the detector, eg. by having one path shorter in length.The distance between the crystal and the sensor D0 is much shorter then the distance between the crystal and any other sensor(D1,D2,D3,D4). BSA, BSB and BS are beam splitters with a function to either transmit or reflect a single photon with equal chances( 50% chances to reflect and 50% chances to transmit a single photon).
LS emits a single photon and it hits either slit A, or slit B(this is a random event) and we do not know which slit the photon will hit.(unknown information)
1) If it hits slit A, the crystal in slit A absorbs it and produces 2 entangled photons(entangled photons have opposite properties and by knowing the properties of either you can determine the properties of the other) which travel at opposite directions(the right one towards D0 and the left one towards BSA).
2) If the photon hits slit B, the crystal in B absorbs it and produces 2 entangled photons which travel at opposite directions(the right one towards D0 and the left one towards BSB).
Photons which hit D3 have a unique path they have passed and they must have come from slit A transmitted by BSA.(known path information) As we all know the path, then we get clumped pattern, actually two vertical bands in D3 and we can see that with our own eyes..
Photons which hit D4 have a unique path they have passed and they must have come from slit B transmitted by BSB.(known path information) As we know the path then we get two vertical bands in D4 and we can see that with our own eyes.
Photons which hit D1 can come either reflected from BSA and BS(coming from slit A) or reflected from BSB and transmitted from BS(coming from slit B) .(unknown path information) As we do not know the path we always get interference pattern, actually many vertical bands in D1 and we can see that with our own eyes.
Photons which hit D2 can come either reflected from BSB and BS (coming from slit B) or reflected from BSA and transmitted BS)(coming from slit A)(unknown path information). As we do not know the path we get interference pattern in D2 and we can see that with our own eyes.
We need to remember that knowing the path for photons which hit D3 and D4 we actually know the path for their corresponding entangled photons which hit D0.(for photons which hit D3, their entangled photons hit D0 coming from slit A,whereas for photons which hit D4, their entangled photons hit D0 coming from slit B)
Cases when a photon hits either D1 or D2 proves that a detector , i.e. sensors D1 and D2 do not collapse wave function(as opposed to the assumption at the original double slit experiment, that detectors might collapse wave function) because we get interference there, and interference means that wave function has not collapsed.
One benefit of set of apparatus is that we have a chance to know the path, as the matter of fact which slit the particles comes from, without placing detectors close to the slits.
For all photons which hit D3, their corresponding entangled photons which hit D0 do not form interference pattern because of the known path information(known slit they come from). The same goes for photons which hit D4.(let's paint them all in black)
For all photons which hit D1(let's paint them in green), their corresponding entangled photons which hit D0 form green interference pattern. (unknown slit they come from)
For all photons which hit D2(let's paint them in yellow), their corresponding entangled photons which hit D0 form yellow interference pattern.(unknown slit they come from)
BUT: Distance between the crystal and D0 is much shorter than the distance between the crystal and BSA. Likewise distance between the crystal and D0 is much shorter than the distance between the crystal and BSB. This means that when a photon arrives at D0 , its entangled photon has not reached either BSA or BSB. So they are still travelling towards BSA or BSB and they do not "know" whether they will be reflected or transmitted (fifty-fifty chances). So, these photons which still travel can change the destiny to their entangled photons which have already arrived at D0, depending on whether they will be transmitted or rejected either from BSA or BSB?!!!!! This is a paradox! How can past(arrived photons at D0) be changed in their color from the future event?(future events represented by photons which hit BSA or BSB will be either rejected or transmitted from BSA or BSB with fifty-fifty chances)
And there is another even more baffling situation: (keep in mind that by the time a photon reaches D1,D2,D3 and D4, its entangled photon has already hit D0)
-If we decide to erase the data in D3 and D4(they provide which-path information) before we look at D0, actually before we analyse the data in D0, then the next monet we look at D0(analyse it)we will get interference pattern in D0!?
-If, however, we decide to analyse(look) the data in D3 and D4(photons that hit D3 and D4) and immediately afterwards analyse (look) the corresponding data in D0(corresponding photons to the photons that hit D3 and D4) we will get clumped pattern.And if we 100 years later decide to erase the data in D3 and D4 then clumped pattern will remain in D0?!
And again we get to the same possible conclusion: Future events affect past events!
There are many interpretations of this so-called Delayed erasure experiment. Some of them argue that time can travel backwards so future events can influence past ones. The others argue that the pattern we get at D0 exists like a potential, to say it exists like a probability that will take its final "realistic" form after a conscious being(in this case a human being) looks(analyses) at it. As the matter of fact the latter argue that our "knowledge" of the setup of the system (actually our knowledge that photon can hit D3 only if it comes from slit A, our knowledge that photon will hit D4 only if it comes from slit B) affects somehow the photons to make to make clumped pattern at D3 and D4?!
I am in favor of the latter. Even more I developed my own analysis regarding this issue.
Now, a question is imposed: what does our Knowledge have to do with clumped pattern? Can simply photons make interference pattern in D3 and D4 regardless of our knowledge of the path (slits they come from)? Yes, they can! But, if they do so, then they will violate our knowledge based on one century experiments that the concept of PATH or position exists solely for particles i.e. for material beings! Simply, photons do not "want" to violate our knowledge of them to be a particle or to be a wave(depending respectively on whether we measure their position or not),built over decades of experiments. But in this case it seems that photons as well as any other small particle are aware of our knowledge and they can "read" our mind in order to conform to our knowledge of them and and our knowledge how they behave!
It could be that what I mentioned above...OR...it could be something else, something much more likely than assumptions and theories that might never be proved. I take this attitude: It is not the photons or any other particles could "read" our mind , neither it is that a "conscious" being such as a photon can subconsciously communicate with our mind or our knowledge! Simply, there is another higher entity , much more intelligent than humans, I will name it The Force(you have a free will to name it whatever you want as it does not matter regarding the main idea of this site)
The Force decides which way a photon will take(either to transmit or reflect) when it encounters BSA or BSB depending on the position of its entangled photon which has already reached D0 detector! Besides,it makes no sense that entangled photons communicate between them in order to consolidate their actions and conform to our "conscious" needs. On the contrary,there is another entity, The Force, or some superintelligent being, or some superintelligent computer or you have free choice to call it whatever you want to , which consolidates all the actions in the Universe and make coherent Whole.
What I tend to think is that time travel to the past in not possible, at the very least, it is not possible in our reality, in the reality where we and the entire known Universe exist. Time can go only forward, or at least time can stand still (it can not run) in the world of photons(photons have a velocity of 300.000 km/hour and in this speed time do not exist , it is Zero) in our Reality. So, time is an attribute that must exist in our Reality, it is inherent in this three dimensional space Universe and it can run only forward!
But, what is actually our Reality that I mention so often?!
2)Endlessly small amount of time(truth or illusion?)
Mathematics is an extraordinary discipline, particularly because it has the possibility to be implemented in all other disciplines...this is why in the world of science there have emerged somewhat interdisciplinary sciences, all of them related to mathematics.
Mathematics allows us to manipulate and imagine even things that do not exist in reality(actually in Reality that we know, i.e. our Reality). For example complex numbers(a + bi, where i is an imaginary number) are imaginary numbers that do not find any practical implementation apart from some cases in complex calculations in physics or chemistry. But complex numbers do exist in Maths!
Even negative numbers do not have real implementation in Geometry! Indeed, there are no negative lengths, only positive: The length of any object we see can be only positive!
On the graph above we can see that the curve(the function) will get closer and closer to the horizontal axis , but they will never touch each other! This means that in mathematics there can be infinitely small amount of distance, as explained in this graph. Similarly Mathematics allows us to assume that just as distances there can exist infinitely small amounts of anything, such as time, temperature, voltage....
Let's have an example where John is trying to get to point B starting from point A.
In order to reach B, John must pass through a half-way point marked as 1/2. So if it takes him 1 hour to reach B, it means it will take him 1/2 hour to get to the point marked as 1/2 at above picture.In order to the point marked as 1/2 John must pass through a point marked as 1/4 on above picture and it will take him 1/4 of an hour to get there and so on. So if we continue with this (1/2, 1/4, 1/8,1/16, 1/32, 1/64....) this means that John will never reach point B because there is an infinite, never ending array of time points! ACCORDING TO MATHEMATICS JOHN WILL NEVER ARRIVE AT POINT B!!!
However, there is a minimum amount of time calculated that practically exists in our Reality and it is called Plank time which amounts to 10^-43 seconds(10 to the power of -43). There is no smaller amount of time. Similarly there is a smallest amount of length in our reality calculated, dependent on Plank time L=P x C (L-Plank length, P-plank time, C-velocity of light). This means that John will not move continuously towards B , but he will move in digital moments, just like the frames in a film, or just like the frames in a computer simulation.(In filmmaking, video production, animation, and related fields, a filmframe or video frame is one of the many still images which compose the complete moving picture and it is usually 24 frames per second).
So that John can arrive at point B, He must move in sequences just like the dog in the above picture, he will have to move in digital moments , as opposed to continuous motion which Buddha stands for. ( some other time I will explain Buddha's view).
Actually, our Reality is like computer program, it has an attribute of a minimum length(Plank length), so do computers(pixels).Photons and any other small particle in our Reality are consistent with our current knowledge, so does the environment in a video game when a hero knows how to take advantage of the equipment in his disposal!
I incline to think that we are just a participants in a very complex simulation in a highly conscious quantum computer and all that we can see is actually Real, but real for us, real in this three-dimensional system,it is our "reality". If there is a quantum highly intelligent and conscious computer, just one level above our "reality" , then it is logical conclusion that there may be another entity one level above the quantum computer who controls anything one level beneath it.. And so on, and so on....all of them living in their own Realities. If that is the case then it is reasonable to assume for the sake of simplification that the Creator, or God, or The Force is just one level above us and He has only one goal: To make us aware of Him and to accept Him as an entity of the same kind like us!How did I come to this stand?!
For thousands of years God(The creator, The Force, the Universal Spiritual Energy) is persistently trying to get close to us, revealing His beautiful nature of purity and ultimate beauty! He has sent so many prophets, sage philosophers and enlightened individuals who witnessed of Him and our connection with Him. Unfortunately, we keep drifting apart, steering away from all divine messages constantly coming to us. Instead, we choose to develop in science, which is not so bad provided that we harness it in a right way! And again we continue to repeat the same mistakes, we develop deadly weapons by means of science, we use smooth vocabulary, but very few of us are honest! And yet, God continues to approach to us in a field where we consider ourselves advanced: Physics, particularly Quantum physics!
The next God's fingerprint is that He is trying to reveal Himself to scientists in Double-slit experiment,Kim's experiment and many other variations of them only if we know how to interpret them in a correct way!
What pleases me the most is the fact that ever more physicists and philosophers are accepting the fact that there must be a divine force which rules our lives with a blessed purpose!Not to forget to thank the science for this!
There are many more God's fingerprints...how else we can explain the existence of clairvoyance, premonition, assigning meaning to dreams and many more...
3)Why did God choose to situate us in three dimensional world simulation
This should be a difficult question! I could make a few assumptions and the one that suits me the best is: Probably all the higher dimensions are occupied by some other entities that He also controls and this three-dimensional world was the sole vacant place for us to inhabit!(This is supposed to be joke, although my true intention is to find some sensible solution) And what more important is: What is His purpose? Why did He create our material bodies to have an empty, monotonous lives constrained by some artificial boundaries? How come we are so advanced in technology, medicine, IT etc and still the rate of depression grows, suicide is a commonplace, emptiness is our companion and fear is our worst nightmare?
The answer is short: We have been steadily steering away from our true nature which was once our pristine bond with The Universal Spiritual Energy(I prefer this name) or God.
He created this 3 dimensional world a long time ago in order to assign a material body to an energy which was part of Him and it still is, frankly polluted a lot lately. The 3 dimensional world was intended to be a form of a "battlefield" between God and His enemy, the Dark Spiritual energy, or in religious term it is called the Devil. The only way for these 2 forces to measure their strengths was to create a simulation and to assign it inseparable attribute; Time! They fight over any conscious individual that exists in the Universe(or 3 dimensional world) not only over humans!
Attribute Time is assigned to this world because only through Time the percentage of success can vary; the winner is the Force which will achieve 100% possession of an individual consciousness and this takes Time. If an individual do not experience 100% commitment to either Force during a "material" lifespan it reincarnates in a new body and a process continues over again.
The Dark Energy was initially given an advantage over The Universal Energy in terms of obvious and tangible resources in our Reality, such as greed, material benefits, power, instruments of power, ability to compete and be better than others, manipulation, temptation, suspicion, shallow beauty, irritable smells, beautiful articulation, arousing jealousy and so many more....
The only advantage given to Universal Energy was opportunity for any individual to have faith, to believe that all that it see and hear does not exhaust all possibilities and that with faith and love an individual is able to find a portal to shift itself into another world out of this limited prison.It was given an opportunity to develop itself towards unlimited power to govern material things it was surrounded with, with a just cause as a background.
Attribute Time still exists, which means that fight is still active,there are still chances for us humans to save ourselves, even at the expense of some other entangled with us, conscious species in the Universe.
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