Chemical industry has managed to produce relatively effective medication to subdue many mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety, but at what cost? Many suicidal depressed individuals have managed to bridle their illness by means of antidepressants, but many of them have become impotent, dizzy, obese, constipated, as a result of side effects. So, chemical substances will cure one disease and cause another one.
Psychologists recognize that there is a comparatively effective way to cure depression today: Talk! There are a lot of social events and online meetings when diagnosed people can talk to each other. They open up, speak frankly about their problems and feelings and this approach genuinely helps them. But, what really matters is that not only that people should talk about their problems, they should also exhibit sympathy for someone else’s problems as opposed to empathy. When depressed people visit a psychiatrist, they openly speak; he listens to them and tries to find out where the root of the problem is. He shows empathy (understanding) for their problems, but there is never honest sympathy. Understandingly, he is a professional and he cannot show sympathy for each person who comes in his office, especially when his office is crowded with patients. So more or less, we can reduce this to formality and professionalism.

When did you last invite your neighbor to visit your home? When did you last have relaxed and refreshing conversation to your fellow? When did you last laugh from the bottom of your heart? Did you watch at your clock or wrist watch every day? If you see a man lying on street do you call an ambulance or you just load him in your car and storm to hospital? Do you often buy presents to your close people or you just do it for some special occasion? When did you last slap anyone when pissed off? When did you last drink wine with a stranger from the one glass alone? When did you last share your dinner with a beggar on a street? You see, it would mean a lot to a beggar to give him something to eat, as for you, it will not cost you a fortune and you will feel proud to give a hand to someone in need.

For such a long time, as the matter of fact thousands of years, we have lived together comforting each other when we feel danger, celebrating whenever we feel safe. We used to sleep crammed in a small area, indeed not so private, but it offered sense of security. We used to dance together, holding our hands, around a warm bonfire very often which actually reinforced our unity. We used to give honor to our ancestors through religious rituals which strengthened our bond with our fellows.
Today: our best friends are computers and up-to-date mobiles, we have superficial friends on Internet on social networks, we do not exchange smiles and energy with a friend directly instead of through our computer screen; we steer away from each other.
Generally, these facts are roots of depression and people should become aware of these facts, thus undertaking appropriate measures.
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