By the time a hazardous event spreads widely enough we do not pay serious attention to it.It is deeply carved into our nature to undertake serious measures when something harmful is threatening us and then we put up our entire strength to find a solution to a problem. Depression is not an exception as well!
By the time a hazardous event spreads widely enough we do not pay serious attention to it.It is deeply carved into our nature to undertake serious measures when something harmful is threatening us and then we put up our entire strength to find a solution to a problem. Depression is not an exception as well!
Professionals recognize that we have seen dramatic growth of psychic disorders and diseases, especially over the past 20 years. What significantly deteriorates the already alarming set of circumstances is the fact that psychic disorders, particularly depression, continues to grow according to statistics. Continents dramatically affected, according to serious research groups are North America, Europe (particularly countries in the North) as well as India and lately we have seen rapid increase of depression in South Korea and some countries of Southern Europe. For example, reports in USA show that 1 out of 10 Americans are affected by depression and incidence of this condition differs from state to state. The situation is additionally compounded by the fact that the number of patients diagnosed with depression ascends by around 20% each year. (If you want to know more about depression in USA click here)

Recognized types of depression are:Major Depression, Persistent depressive disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Psychotic Depression, Postpartum Depression, Situational Depression, Atypical Depression and some others. All these types are slightly different from each other; nevertheless they do overlap and have common symptoms, such as feeling hopeless,loss of interest, being tired or without energy, weight loss or gain, apart from Atypical Depression which is diametrically different.
Commonly used medications for depression are also known as antidepressants which do not necessarily result in success. Actually app. 80% of patients treated with antidepressants will feel positive results, while 20% of them will feel no results whatsoever.Plus, using antidepressants could sometimes cause wide range of unpleasant side effects, including insomnia, loss of sexual desire, weight gain, dry mouth, fatigue, constipation and some others.
Do you know that alcohol consumption in Europe is 2.5 times higher than the average outside Europe and that alcohol consumption in Scandinavia has increased by around 20% over the past 10 years? Have you ever encountered the fact that immigrants from Africa and Asia drink less alcohol than ethnic Scandinavians? Do you know that 33% of people diagnosed with depression have problem with alcohol as well? Alcohol is closely related with depression and it is usual to hear from a depressed person that he/she is drowning their sorrow in the bottle after a terrible divorce or for some other reason.
In psychiatry definition is: anxiety is a nervous disease characterized by a state of excessive uneasiness and apprehension, with compulsive behavior or panic attacks.
We have all experienced anxiety in our lives. For example we always worry about something in our daily activities, sitting an exam is perfect situation when we experience worry. Nevertheless, if most of the time we are worried about something, feel unreasonable fears and if we find it hard to cope with the issue, then there are good chances that we have entered the area of anxiety. First medication offered is a type of antidepressant which increases the level of serotonin in our brain. Side effects are similar to those in depression.
more about mental disorders in Norway click here
more about types of depression click here
more about anxiety click here
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