Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Grains of sand

There is a beautiful, unspoiled island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean with a beautiful climate, pleasant breeze, and moderate temperatures. Throughout the entire year, the sun can be seen in the sky sending its rays to any living creature providing it with energy in order to survive. The diversity of creatures was enormous spreading from a densely populated area with wood where different types of colored insects and animals could be found to gorgeous shapes and colors of a wide variety of marine life. Ocean was so calm covered with a nuance of blue and green color which enabled picturesque scenery of floating fish and prawns down to the sea floor.

Peter, Ana and Lee were three persons coming from three developed countries Peter was American and he is a lawyer. He is busy 12 hours a day and he has no spare time to devote to his wife and his child. He barely managed to extract these 10 days for a summer holiday and this is the time when he must enjoy, recharge his batteries and get back to his vocation of reading piles of files on the collapse of a business.

Ana is a nice educated woman, a medical doctor at a middle age who devoted her entire life to her career. She is highly ambitious and devoted to her calling and as a result, she has never had enough time to pay attention to her personal life. She lives alone with her lapdog and has no family.
Lee is a businessman from China whose only goal has always been to make money. His goal has been achieved. Now he is a rich man with a lot of privileges at his disposal. He can go wherever he wants, he can eat whatever he wants, he can drink anything he feels like, he can be in any company he wants, he can buy anything with his money. He has not heard from his only child for a long time who left home many years ago. Lee's wife has passed away recently from cancer.

These three persons are lying on the beach, randomly next to each other. Peter's young son Tom at the age of 7 is playing in the sand near the water and Peter is having a nap sunbathing. When Tom gets bored playing lonely in the sand, he goes to his father and starts saying:"Daddy let's go and swim together", while Peter's response is:" Buzz off! Can't you see that these are my sole free days when I can relax and blow off the stress?" Tom is so eager to play in the sand together with his father, longing for attention and closeness, unfortunately, his efforts are futile.

Ana is squeezed next to Peter even though she doesn't   know him at all. There are too many people on the beach and this is the only vacant spot that she could pick. She is not particularly moved by Tom's nagging, after all, that is not her problem. Preoccupied with her own comfort, she strokes her pet's hair, reading a book (at this time for fun for a change), thinking who knows what, and subconsciously reconciling herself to her destiny. No doubt, she is a successful, cultured and educated woman from a high caliber.

Lee is a man grown old before his time. Spent with long years of hard work, passionately devoted to widening his company he has made an empire well-known throughout the entire world. His son decided to flee from home for some reason which caused a great pain in Lee's soul, even though his vanity has never allowed this fact to be apparent. Ever since they have had no contact whatsoever. Now the time has come for Lee to think what went wrong so many years ago." I have got everything and I have nothing", so many times this thought has crossed his mind.

Tom is like any other child, simple, open and playful. On the other hand, he can exhibit some unusual traits from time to time. At the age of 5, he was able to speak 2 foreign languages and he claimed that his origins are out of our planet. His father took him to a psychiatrist with no result. Nevertheless, Tom remained cheerful, lively child willing to socialize with other children.

He is playing in the sand and suddenly all the children playing along the beach start moving towards Tom silently. They gather together and they all raise their heads at the direction of the sun. Tom begins to mumble something that no one can understand while the other children separate and begin to make some structure of wet sand. After a while, it is obvious that the structure is a pyramid a few inches tall with three separate rooms inside. The building is finished and a channel of a bright light begins to form from the sun towards the top of the pyramid. At the same time, the temperature begins to rise to the point when it becomes unbearable. Then all Peters, Anas, Lees on the beach begin to shrink melting down to the size of a few inches height just enough to enter the pyramid. One by one they are referred to the first room where they are offered a glass of champagne each. They are taught how to simultaneously raise their glasses squeezed tightly and how to drink the contents at the same time. Then they are led into the next room where they are instructed how to run together freely holding their hands no matter what obstacle stands in front of them. Finally, they are guided into the third room with 144 windows arranged in order of the size starting from the smallest one. They are edified how to get the right perspective looking out of the windows. Once the lessons are finished, the channel between the sun and the top of the pyramid will be cut off. Peters, Anas, and Lees will remain in the pyramid until a wave strong enough will appear to make the pyramid fall down which will happen eventually. Then all Peters, Anas, and Lees will be able to grow again to their normal size to reclaim their original characters.

As everything has been changing fast recently in the development of our civilization including human's psyche, it is very likely that another Tom will be born very soon and then another one and then another one. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Reincarnate me, please (2nd leg: Why do some people believe in soul's transmigration)

Do you know that southern European Christians believed in transmigration until the Council of Nice banned such beliefs in 553 A. D? Have you ever heard that Drupe sect from Lebanon entertain a notion of a succession of lives with improvement in each?Are you introduced with the statistics which show that people who do not belong to any religion in essence believe in soul's transmigration? Why do people tend to believe in existence of soul and its transmigration?

It is deeply carved in people's mental structure an urge to reconcile themselves with some obvious facts and to try to find consolation in other not so obvious facts! We have families, friends and colleagues, we often spend decades together with our fellows deeply bonded with each other, when at some point some of our close persons gets ill or dies whatever the reason is. Thousands of years ago people witnessed that dead body had decomposed and had disappeared. That was an obvious fact and people found a satisfactory way to deal with this shocking situation. They reconcile themselves with the fact that disappearance of physical body and matter is a normal and inevitable fact, and yet they could not resign themselves to something extremely difficult for them to comprehend, which is stoppage of something that cannot be stopped(based on people's opinion), caused by illusion of eternal life.
Namely, even today people find it difficult to reconcile with the fact that some dear person of theirs have died and that they will never see them again. People often reason that there is no sense in the natural fact of making close relationships with someone, bonding with them in order a few years later to lose them. Therefore, they try to find consolation by means of the illusion that there is afterlife where the lost bond will be re-established and people will be living happily ever after. People created a term "soul" in order to provide themselves with consolation that after their material death a soul as a whole will continue and will migrate (according to Drupe sect and some other Indian sects) into a new body. People believe that their essence is their "soul" as a permanent unchangeable entity which never dies. It is good enough for people to explain something they could not bear, is not it?
Even today when I debate with some of my acquaintances or friends, they still claim that there must be a distinguished soul in any individual because they cannot find an explanation to: "How come that I am alive for so many years to disappear a few years later? There must be another, deeper meaning of life, than just a simple birth and death! If there is just a simple birth and death, then what is the purpose and meaning of our selves?" All these questions that it is hard to find an answer result from one very complex concept named Ego.
The word Ego comes from a Greek word Ego which means "Me" or "I". An Ego is formed by a unique and complex network of connections between our body, sensations, conceptualizations, ideas, beliefs, and consciousness. How does an Ego form? When a child is born the first thing that he/she will hear is: "Mummy loves you very much". The entire family is gathering around the baby petting him/her, talking sweet things to him/her, playing with him/her all the time, kissing his/her head, hands. These are the first indications in baby's mind of his/her existence as a separate being, even though the complete sense of self-consciousness will develop a bit later, in fact at the age of around 2.5.
At a very early age children begin to examine themselves, analyzing their arms, their hands, feet and toes, initially without being aware that those arms belong to them, because the idea of self-consciousness is not developed yet, hence there is no Him/Her. Slowly, children realize that all limbs are physically connected with the body, they realize that they use eyes as a sense of sight, ears as a sense of hearing and nose as a sense of smell, then they realize that whenever they want they can move their arms and they can literally control every muscle movement in their body even though they do not know what a muscle is. A few years later they begin to wonder what that object is which they see when they look in the mirror. They realize that when they move their left arm their reflection in the mirror is also moving its left arm and when they move their mouth, the reflection is also moving its mouth and therefore they are starting to learn i.e. to draw conclusions that the object seen in the mirror is actually Them.
(Do you know that some primates, elephants, dolphins are conscious of their own body? A quite simple experiment was conducted when a forehead of a primate was painted with a red color different from his natural color. When a mirror was brought in front of the animal, it started to scratch its forehead exactly at the painted patch trying to eliminate it. It even smelled its nails to find out what the color smelled like as it was not its own!).
These are the first indications of self-consciousness. Children are beginning to learn how to become conscious of their physical appearance. Later whilst the first days at school they learn to read, to do math, to introduce themselves to the nature and society and depending on their talent and inclinations they are stimulated to pick a certain branch to carry on with their education. At their teenage some of them stand out with their attractive physical appearance, the others with their intelligence and talents and some of them are a mixture. Egos are becoming more and more distinctive and unique as years pass.
Everything is all right; at least it seems to be. Unfortunately, we live in a very competitive world where everyone guns for the best at the highest position in his/her field. The world of competition develops at a very early age, when a teacher praises and encourages good pupils and tells off bad students. Scholarships are given to the best students and those with worse grades have to pay for their school. Again better jobs will be given to those who acquired higher grades and not to those who paid for their school. The education system is structured in a fashion that bright students benefit at the expense of those slower to learn. The social system is organized in a way that highly educated people are more respected than the others and they enjoy better positions. Young people are stimulated to compete and that fact only reinforces their ego because if someone is unsuccessful in that competition then jealousy can be triggered and it can undermine our psyche.
Instead of connection and unity, people disconnect, individualize and Ego transforms into Egoist. On the other hand, Ego can be altered positively if we exploit some other tools. Some of these tools can be meditation, self-analysis, deep thinking, objective criticism, self-criticism etc, which can lead to the concept of self-awareness. There is no totally self-aware person, anyway, the closer we are to 100% of self-awareness, the chances are larger to find a solution to the primal issue: "How come that I am alive for so many years and then to disappear forever? There must be another, deeper meaning of life, then just a simple birth and death! If there is just a simple birth and death, then what is the purpose, what is the point of our being?" In order to achieve self-awareness we first need to understand our mind. We all live in 2 different worlds, in fact there is an external real world related to our factual activities as well as world of imagination related to our mind.
If you are seeking to create greater fulfillment in your life most sources will point to making changes in your external world. However, it is changes in the virtual reality of your mind that will make a lasting impact on your fulfillment. All that matters is to find a path to understanding what we love and what we believe in with passion. We need to find a way how our mind influences these emotions; otherwise even if we feel passion or belief that will last for some time, afterwards we may feel empty again. Our mind is an entity that has power over our emotions and it urges that we should seek fulfillment in the change of the external world. For example our mind proposes that making money, success and career is all that we need in order to achieve happiness and fulfillment. It is concerned with his own material body's survival and it is rational part of our being and this is why its plan is to provide us with rational decision.   In the world based on material things, our mind exhibits intelligence, which, in turn, is achieving maximum effect in any situation either difficult or pleasant. When we pay attention to the reality of our mind's existence it is going to lose control over our thoughts and emotions which will result in increase of our self-awareness, awareness of our self being separate from our mind, thus increase of our emotional intelligence. Fulfillment does not rely on success, failure or any external factor; instead it is determined by our beliefs. Depending on your desire and internal need to be happy, you can decide your priorities to be your emotions and beliefs as general attitudes towards life instead of achieving external goals. People led by their mind accomplish their external goals and in every next step they tend to set higher goal as a challenge. With every external goal accomplished, people feel temporary excitement or euphoria which after a while gradually turns into dissatisfaction and they need to set another higher goal. This vicious chain ends up in stress or other mental disorder. The solution is to commit yourself to looking into yourself, to increase your self-awareness and therefore to reinforce your ego positively. When I say "to reinforce your positively" that means to find a way to examine ourselves through meditation and to connect ourselves with the Universe. Buddha once said: "
Truth cannot be explained with words
. Such profound words can only come out from a mouth of an enlightened person absolutely aware of himself and his nature. There is no book which can tell you the truth. Instead, there are a lot of spiritual books which will pave your way to realize where the truth lies, books which will teach you how to think and not what to think, because any book that edifies you what to think actually contains doctrines which try to explain complex issues in simple ways. Complex things can be explained only by deep thinking and meditation as opposed to teachings based on doctrines. Experiment, probe and try to find your own way in discovering what your attitude will be.
I personally tend to think that there is no "Me", there is no "You". I think:
Do we die? Does "we" exist? Is "me" an illusion? Every extremely tiny moment we are changing, there is an illusion of every new "me" in every new endlessly small moment. When our material body cease to function and decays it does not mean that "we" have died(it means that the functional energy loses its "lively" properties) and when a baby or an insect or a planet is born it does not mean that "another" life is created. All the energy is mutual, it belongs to the universe, it belongs to all of us, it flows and changes continuously, it splits, it connects if favorable conditions are met, it disconnects if favorable conditions are met as well, it is not happy if it connects and creates something new and fresh, it does not despair if it disconnects and some organic or inorganic formation ceases to exist. Everything is normal, everything is fine, everything is worth admiring; everything makes our jaw drops when we realize that we are not "we", that there is no "me", that we all are just a part of something larger, more complex. Everything is constantly moving in order to renew itself into something different and healthier!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Reincarnate me , please

**The better part of the following article is taken from:***

"Either he [Dr. Stevenson] is making a colossal mistake or he will be known as the Galileo of the 20th century." is what Dr.  Harold Lief stated in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 
Probably the most respected collection of data that seems to provide scientific proof that reincarnation is real is the work of Dr. Ian Stevenson. Instead of relying on hypnosis to verify that an individual has had a previous life, he instead chose to collect thousands of cases of children who spontaneously (without hypnosis) remember a past life. Dr. Ian Stevenson uses this approach because spontaneous past life memories in a child can be investigated using scientific protocols. Hypnosis, while useful in researching into past lives, is less reliable from a purely scientific perspective. In order to collect his data, Dr. Stevenson methodically documents the child's statements of a previous life. Then he identifies the deceased person the child remembers being, and verifies the facts of the deceased person's life that match the child's memory. He even matches birthmarks and birth defects to wounds and scars on the deceased, verified by medical records. His strict methods systematically rule out all possible "normal" explanations for the child's memories.

With more than 3000 cases in his files Dr. Stevenson has provided scientific documentation of past life memories of children from around the world. He is a person with credentials without mistakes. His profession is a medical doctor, but he devoted the last forty years of his life to research of paranormal phenomena. Before he worked as a head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia, and after that as a Director of the Division of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia.
Since late sixties Dr. Stevenson has documented cases in India, Africa, United States and elsewhere in which young children, especially between the age of 3 and 5, (chances for young people to remember their past lives are higher because their mind is not polluted with everyday problems) staggered their parents with accurate details about the people they claim to have been. Some of these children have recognized their former homes and neighborhoods as well as their living relatives and friends. They often ended their lives in violent deaths and not rarely their birthmarks resemble scars that correspond to wounds that caused their death. Dr. Stevenson studies are meticulously objective and methodological. The former chairman of the psychiatry department at the University of Washington in Seattle, noted, Herbert S. Ripley, noted, "We are lucky to have someone of his ability and high integrity investigating this controversial area."

 After a period of 7 years as a chief psychiatrist at the hospital of the University of Virginia when Stevenson authored many papers in professional journals he decided to abandon psychiatry to devote himself entirely to research into psychic phenomena and reincarnation. This event took place at 1964. Between 1966 and 1971, Stevenson covered an average of 55,000 miles a year, often making return visits and interviewing as many as 25 witnesses for a single case.

In his research Stevenson saw the defects of most evidence from adult cases. Focusing on the memories of very young children, he concluded that one might distinguish between "imaged" and "behavioral" memories. Although a child might have no conscious memories (imaged memories) from a former life, his interests, aptitudes, and phobias (behavioral memories) might have been formed by experiences he or she had forgotten. Maybe reincarnation was able to elucidate traits of the human personality that other theories could not elucidate.

As a hardworking man Stevenson got the reputation of a hardworking and intensely private person as well as secretly shy. He was concerned with accumulating, clarifying, and classifying evidence than with jumping into conclusions. The main reason that spurred him into another approach can be given with this quotation:

"I had become dissatisfied, you see, with the methods that had been developed in psychiatry for helping people. Orthodox theory conceives human personality as the product of a person's genetic material inherited from his ancestors through his parents, and the modifying influences of his prenatal and postnatal environment. But I found that some cases cannot be satisfactorily explained by genetics, environmental influences, or a combination of these. I am speaking of such things as early childhood phobias, about uncanny abilities that seem to develop spontaneously, of children convinced that they are the wrong sex, congenital deformities, differences between one-egg twins, and even such matters as irrational food preferences" Stevenson stated and that was the principal reason why he devoted himself into explanation of above mentioned problems with reincarnation.

While some musicians, for instance, inherited their talent from their fathers or grandfathers, there are cases when well known musicians have no family background whatsoever. Some of these famous musicians were even discouraged by their parents in their careers. There are ample cases when children possess talents, inborn skills, likes, dislikes and even genius in their young age(I remember there was a case recently in Croatia when young child who had never learned foreign language went into a coma and when he woke up he started talking German language fluently and he totally forgot Croatian language) and if we accept the possibility of reincarnation, we can entertain the idea that these children are demonstrating these features as a result of previous experience.
Stevenson even dares to argue that the fact when children reject their own parents at their young age results from unhappy experiences in their previous lives. As far as the fact of congenital malformations is concerned, such as deformed limbs, fingers, toes he claims that these are as a result of violent death and those limbs were violently removed during the killing.

"Children we have studied often act as if they had been transferred without warning from an adult's body into a baby's. When one of our Turkish children began to speak, almost the first thing he said was, "What am I doing here? I was at the port." Later on he described details in the life of a dockworker who had fallen asleep in the hold of a ship. A heavy oil drum had fallen on him and killed him instantly. Cases like this remind me of a woman who had a stroke while playing bridge. When she came around several days later, her first words were, "What's trumps?""   

There is another one, in fact very interesting case out of 3000 cases that Dr Stevenson collected. It is sweet Swarnlata Story, 

"The story of Swarnlata is characteristic of Stevenson's cases: the young girl's memories began when she was 3, she gave enough information to enable Stevenson to locate the family of the deceased person she remembered (the case was "solved"), and she gave more than 50 specific facts that were verified. But Swarnlata's case was also different from most because her memories did not fade. And this is a sweet case, characterized by love and happy memories rather than by violent death and struggles between castes and families, like in so many other cases.

Swarnlata Mishra was born to an intellectual and prosperous family in Pradesh in India in 1948. When she was just three years old and travelling with her father past the town of Katni more than 100 miles from her home, she suddenly pointed and asked the driver to turn down a road to "my house", and suggested they could get a better cup of tea there than they could on the road.

Soon after, she related more details of her life in Katni, all of which were written down by her father. She said her name was Biya Pathak, and that she had two sons. She gave details of the house: it was white with black doors fitted with iron bars; four rooms were stuccoed, but other parts were less finished; the front floor was of stone slabs. She located the house in Zhurkutia, a district of Katni; behind the house was a girl's school, in front was a railway line, and lime furnaces were visible from the house. She added that the family had a motor car (a very rare item in India in the 1950's, and especially before Swarnlata was born). Swarnlata said Biya died of a "pain in her throat", and was treated by Dr. S. C. Bhabrat in Jabalpur. She also remembered an incident at a wedding when she and a friend had difficulty finding a latrine.

In the spring of 1959, when Swarnlata was 10 years old, news of the case reached Professor Sri H. N. Banerjee, an Indian researcher of paranormal phenomenon and colleague of Stevenson. Banerjee took the notes her father made and travelled to Katni to determine if Swarnlata's memories could be verified.

Using nothing more than the description that Swarnlata had given, he found the house--despite the house having been enlarged and improved since 1939 when Biya died. It belonged to the Pathak's (a common name in India), a wealthy, prominent family, with extensive business interests. The lime furnaces were on land adjoining the property; the girls school was 100 yards behind the Pathak's property, but not visible from the front.

He interviewed the family and verified everything Swarnlata had said. Biya Pathak had died in 1939 leaving behind a grieving husband, two young sons, and many younger brothers. These Pathaks had never heard of the Mishra family, who lived a hundred miles away; the Mishra's had no knowledge of the Pathak family.

The next scene in this story sounds like a plot from Agatha Christie, but is all true, extracted from the Stevenson's tabulations in Swarnlata's published case. In the summer of 1959, Biya's husband, son, and eldest brother journeyed to the town of Chhatarpur, the town where Swarnlata now lived, to test Swarnlata's memory. They did not reveal their identities or purpose to others in the town, but enlisted nine townsmen to accompany them to the Mishar home, where they arrived unannounced.

Swarnlata immediately recognized her brother and called him "Babu", Biya's pet name for him. Stevenson gives only the barest facts, but I can imagine the emotions ran high at this point. Imagine how Babu felt to be recognized immediately by his dead sister reborn.

Ten-year-old Swarnlata went around the room looking at each man in turn; some she identified as men she knew from her town, some were strangers to her. Then she came to Sri Chintamini Pandey, Biya's husband. Swarnlata lowered her eyes, looked bashful--as Hindu wives do in the presence of their husbands--and spoke his name. Stevenson says nothing of Sri Pandey's reaction at finding his wife after twenty years

Swarnlata also correctly identified her son from her past life, Murli, who was 13 years old when Biya died. But Murli schemed to mislead her, and "for almost twenty-four hours insisted against her objections that he was not Murli, but someone else." Murli had also brought along a friend and tried to mislead Swarnlata once again by insisting he was Naresh, Biya's other son, who was about the same age as this friend. Swarnlata insisted just as strongly that he was a stranger.

Finally, Swarnlata reminded Sri Pandey that he had purloined 1200 rupees Biya kept in a box. Sri Pandey admitted to the truth of this private fact that only he and his wife had known. "....(there is a continuation of the article)

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Life density

So far everything has been balanced in the Universe and consequently on the Earth.Whatever disaster takes place, the Earth finds its own way to survive by means of dynamic balance. Some species have been extinct and as a result their function in the chain of species has been lost. Mother Earth has been constantly finding a way to replace these extinct species by some others with a similar function and life continues.

There are many different species that vary in their lifespan. I will mention some insects with their lifespan:
-          fruit fly lives 1 month
-          carpet beetle lives 1 to 2 months
-          termite queen lives 30 years
-          house fly lives 15 to 25 days
-          midge lives a few hours
-          mosquito lives 1 to 3 months

All these species have their own role in the ecosystem and they are all very important for the survival of many other live forms on earth. For example mosquitoes have both positive and negative impact on the ecosystem. Larvae of mosquitos live in water and provide food for fish. The larvae themselves eat microscopic organic matter in the water, helping to recycle it. Adult mosquitoes pollinate some flowers when they consume nectar. Negative impacts are well known to all of us as we all know that mosquitoes are carriers of many severe diseases.Still, it is solely a negative impact on humans, in the same time it is a positive impact on bacteria or viruses which in turn when reproduced provide food for other minute organisms. The latter, when reproduced in large numbers provide huge source of food for other larger organisms and so on.

Let's for a moment imagine that we are a single larva of a mosquito. By chance we manage to survive not being eaten by some small fish and somehow we become sexually mature mosquito. We feed on flowers or on blood of some animals or humans. We manage to achieve our negative impact on some animals or humans by carrying some contagious bacteria but biting people or animals is the only way for us to survive. At some point we reproduce, our next generation is enormous and it is likely that a small part of the offspring will survive as well. After a month some frog swallows us.
Should we be happy considering the fact that we have lived only 1 month? Why have not we lived more? I wish I could have lived 12 months, you may say!

Yes, it is better for you if you live longer in a form of a mosquito, but in that case you will reproduce more often and this will result in extremely large population of mosquitoes which will disrupt the balance of life forms on earth. In other words mosquitoes are predetermined by their DNA (even if a mosquito is not eaten by other animal it can live maximum 3 months) or their destiny (a mosquito eaten by a frog after 1 month of life) to live approximately 2 months and their basic role on the ecosystem is reflected by their positive and negative impacts during their lifespan of 2 months. The mosquito has managed to accomplish its main goals to survive his stage as a larva, to feed on animals or flowers, to reproduce and finally to end its life. Its DNA does not allow it to ask for more. For example it cannot read books because it cannot think. It cannot play basketball because it has no brain and muscles to play this game. It cannot build complex facilities because it is not an intelligent creature and so on. The Mother Nature limited mosquito's ability, otherwise it would become dangerous for causing imbalance in the ecosystem. To conclude: a mosquito has two main functions which are to feed itself and to reproduce. All other insects and animals have the same functions, more or less. They are relatively simple organisms and they are driven by their instinct.

Humans are quite a bit different. We are driven by both our instinct and our consciousness. Of course, we sustain ourselves thanks to our instincts; by contrast our consciousness is an essential driving force for our intellectual advance. Every day we invent something new in IT or civil engineering or elsewhere as a result of our intelligence. We persistently compete against each other in order to accomplish better results. We nurse our  ego when we are better than others.
It is not rare when we change our profession and engage in some other field just to prove a "competitor" that our will can make us better than him/her even in his/her area of expertise. All these actions result from our ego. We can spend days and nights studying very hard only to surpass our opponent who is created artificially in our mind. After years of hard work we can expect reward to feed our ego. We have succeeded! We are better than others! We began to feel that we can achieve anything!

Fortunately, Mother Nature has some other plans for us on a basis of its fundamental rules. After decades of hard work and sleepless nights taking unnecessary challenges we expend our mind and our body. We can easily feel tired after a short intellectual engagement and even we can seriously damage our health. We expended ourselves even though we had not been aware of these dangerous feats. Then both our body and our mind are tired, faded and capable of nothing. We have reached the top of our capacity at relatively young age.

Very often people take challenges which are beyond their domain or talent which is a big mistake. Our ego imposes its force and makes us undertake unnecessary actions. On the contrary, we should stick to our talents, we should take possibilities instead of challenges, and we should leisurely enjoy doing things, professionally or for fun. In every second that passes we should find pleasure. We should listen to our heart and body what our needs and talents really are. Once we determine what our talent and vocation is we should get down to working. Enjoy developing yourself in your chosen field and never overwork even if you have chosen your right profession in which you enjoy. Depending on our talent or affinity we have limited capacity. Hours spent on a certain activity are limited at any individual. For example, any individual can spend certain number of hours playing basketball, certain numbers of hours having sex, certain number of hours working or studying depending on the talent of the individual. An individual can spend all these hours within a small time span if he strains his/her mind and muscles (this will inevitably result in a health problem) or he/she can stretch the time span and can spend the same hours of activities within the longer time span(this is a reasonable choice). If we choose the latter we actually lower the density of activities and most likely we will have long and prosperous life.
Mosquitoes and other animals have a density of activities which is regulated by their instincts which in turn is established by Mother Nature.
Humans have a density of activities which is regulated by both our instincts and our consciousness. Those activities regulated by our instincts (to feed ourselves, to reproduce and so on) will not result in any health or any other problem. Those regulated by our consciousness can result in a problem only if we allow our ego to be in charge.
Sometimes our ego (if it grows big enough) can spread its influence on our instincts. This results in disorders, such as compulsive eating, sexual impotence and others. Beware of this very dangerous situation.

My definition of life is: Life is marked by a collection of positive and negative activities and memories. There have been many philosophies and movements based on their understanding of life. One particularly interesting was a hippie movement which practiced extremely active way of life and their motto was:" Live fast and die young!". They ventured into using drugs, hallucinating only enjoyable experiences avoiding tough moments that 10%(safe area is the area where we eat, we sleep and so on without engagement in any spiritual activity) of safe area can bring. It is true, they never suffered and they never faced tough moments at the expense of their health. Many of them died young. They chose high density of activities that brought on pleasant feelings at the expense of their healthThey could not bear failures and miseries that 10% of safe area can bring.
Our safe area of 10% of life is full of negative and positive events. They are inseparable parts in the course of time. We need to bravely face all of them by taking the first step into the area of 90% where we can make a strong bond with the Universe. By this experience gained into the zone of 90%, safe area will seem so trivial.(More explanation about safe area, consciousness and area related to the Universe, I hope, I will explain the next time).

Friday, February 26, 2016

A city made of light

I used to live in a big city. Once I used to wake up in the morning to get ready for work while it was still dark. When I got back from work it was dark again as I had to work all day. I couldn't see the sunshine at all for a long time. Fortunately, there was a suitable substitution for the sunshine as a result of high-tech achievements. Neon lights coming from everywhere around us with beautiful nuances compose such a beautiful new color that I have never seen before. This is a common pattern for an average person originating from a small town to be fascinated by a commodity which comes along with the pleasure living in big cities. For a person who has never been through the streets of a big city this is such an overwhelming situation, that you look everywhere around getting fascinated by almost everything. "How come that these people are so organized? How could these buses and underground trains be so accurate and always arrive on time? Is this development a reflection on people's mental structure?" I started me asking myself. "I guess any development or inhibition of growth rides on people's mentality or perhaps, just perhaps it is a mixture of several causes. Who knows?"
You wake up in the morning, you prepare your breakfast, you wash up, you have your morning coffee, you exit your house, you go to your bus stop and you wait for your bus at 5.36 a.m. You finish your job late in the evening, you come home, you have supper, you wash up, and you go to bed.
The following day you have to repeat the same procedure and the following day and the following day. Finally, Saturday comes up, you could relax for a while, your wages are paid and you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. You can go to a disco, have a few liquors and then gradually you become relaxed and sluggish. Your body is relaxed now a bit, your natural instincts are in order again and you can venture yourself in some indulgences.
On Monday you repeat the same cycle, over and over again. A few Mondays later the faces in the bus you go to work with are getting familiar. Now you can realize that they look like a figure made of wax, so cold, so pale. They are staring somewhere with their eyes fixed at one single point and probably thinking of something. After a few Mondays you ask yourself some odd questions: "Are those blokes aware of my presence here in the bus. I am aware of their presence here in the bus, but are they aware of me. How could they be aware of me as they have never had a look at my face? "When I think better no one of these people all around the city have ever looked me in my eyes, apart from some people who work in stores when I go shopping or a clerk in an office. I guess out of politeness they never cast a glance at my eyes directly. I walk through the busy streets of this crowded city, we all are so close to each other but no one is aware of my being." People in this bus should be my family, they should hear me out when I have something to say as I travel with them every day", I am thinking. "And all these lights have lost their beautiful colors and all nuances vanished", "where have these lights gone?" No problem. "I will get some new lights in a new bus", "I will get some new route to work", "even though it is going to be longer route the surrounding lights will be new, more beautiful, more colorful. Faces will be newer, milder, gentler, and less polite. That would be perfect".
I ride in my new bus and it is full of people. Despite the fact that there is no room for more than 50 people there is far more in it. I couldn't see the end of the bus to whichever direction I cast a glance. And here a miracle comes: All these people are naked except for a small piece of cloth covering their reproductive organs. They are all dancing around a bonfire. Males have long bearded, long hair and females got some kind of decoration pierced in their noses. The weather is cold as it is night and there are no trees around us. It is so deserted and inhospitable area. It is so dark that I can only see the light from the fire burning my face. Now when the dance is getting finished one male of the ritual approaches to me and starts talking some language that I can't understand. He continues repeating but I am sorry not to understand him. Then all males and females lay me on the rocky ground pointing their index fingers in the sky. It is clear so I can count millions of stars up there different in their size and illumination. The tribe is trying to communicate with me pointing their face up in the sky. The stars are so beautiful, there are no different colors only metallic color descending from the stars, from all those children of the universe. Should I feel beautiful, excited and agitated now exactly as I felt before looking at various colors? Or should I feel calm knowing that metallic color makes me swim to an unknown direction. Is this rejuvenation real without fear of unknown? Why I am not afraid? Do I know the truth now or I just hope of the truth?
Some scientists also claim that city lights can spur some mental disorders as this can prevent the "light of life from stars" from shedding our bodies. We need to look at the stars at night and to be aware that our Sun is also a star and thanks to the stars we are alive. Stars are our grandfathers and all the elements we are composed of are actually all created on the stars originally. These big creatures are sources of energy and without them we can't exist. They are composed mainly of hydrogen and helium as well as all other elements.
There are some theorists who believe that our destiny rides on the influence of the stars and I agree with them all the way. Reconnect with them, reconcile with the fact that everything has its beginning and its end and show deep respect towards the stars too as they have their beginning and their end as well.
A human's life is just a crumb of extension of star's life. We share the destiny of the star, we are getting born and we die. The same applies to the star. The only difference is that the star lives much longer than us. Comprehending this awesome fact that even stars which live much longer than us, actually billions of years, will eventually die should give us peace of mind and confirms that everything has its beginning and its end.
Some people say that our destiny rides on a destiny of a star. I incline to agree, and even more, enjoying in our view at the stars is a starting coordinate into re-connection with them. This can help us beat many mental disorders, rejuvenate and feel alive again which actually is our true purpose.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

larger consciousness and we as her children

It just crossed my mind: Do not rush into larger consciousness without our brains and physical bodies! We are more useful to it, here on Earth as we will be able here to gain enough knowledge and contribute to its development! once we reach the ceiling, it will call us to join it refined,as it has always been our mother!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

principles of Buddha

Hi, I am Mr. Ego

Principles of Buddhism in our 3-dimensional holographic world

Buddhism rests on two main principles, principle of continuity of flux and principle of dependence of mass and energy.

Principle of continuity of flux is closely related to explanation of the flow of energy. Namely, we are made of cells (which in turn are made of molecules and atoms), physical and emotional sensations, conceptualizations, ideas, beliefs, consciousness and all of them collaborate together and create distinctive illusion of permanent “Me” or ego. Buddha states:” Every moment you are born, you decay and die”. The meaning of this statement is that “Me” is continually changing and renewing it. Nothing is carried from one moment to the next and consequently nothing is carried from one life to the next. As a matter of fact, the concept of discrete endlessly small moments takes over in this explanation. These extremely tiny moments connected in a series creates continuous fabric of time and in every tiny moment illusional “me” is being changed.

The explanation follows using the principle of dependence of mass and energy. (E=MC² -where E is energy, M is mass, C is a constant, velocity of light. This is Einstein’s general theory of relativity).Namely, there is constant conversion from mass into energy and vice versa. When a star explodes it loses its mass and creates enormous energy. When an electron and a positron (electron orbits around the nucleus in an atom and positron is electron’s counterpart in the antimatter) collide they disappear and create photons i.e. energy. In nuclear fusion when two Hydrogen atoms collide they create an atom of Helium and the latter has a mass which is not just a simple sum of the two hydrogen atoms. Helium atom has a mass which is slightly smaller than the sum of hydrogen atoms and the difference of the mass is actually converted into energy. Similarly, when we get old and when our body cannot function(in grave) any longer our body decays it loses mass, as a result energies are created, they regroup, they take another shape i.e. these energies create new material life with a new mass. All these new energies have the information about every detail that deceased person had had just before he died. This means that these energies possess the unique code for the deceased person and this code comprises every single detail about the person starting from his unique DNA and every piece of information or knowledge that he had in his mind. These energies are actually a carrier of information of the existence of something or someone. All these energies can split, bind, group, regroup, interact with each other, interweave and when certain conditions are met a new entity can be created. 

Generally, we can see everything in the universe (people, bacteria, planets, stars, germs, waves and literally everything else) as a patches of energies, some denser than the others, and those denser are either new entities created (organic or inorganic) or new potential entities about to be created (a star forms when a dense energy, such as star dust, goes denser and denser by means of gravity and eventually forms a star). Among these patches of energy there is energy as well, flowing everywhere around, randomly “checking” whether some other energy will be a perfect match, whether some loose links can be established between them which can later grow stronger and whether this alliance can become functional, affecting and influential entity. Stars, comets, planets, flying objects can be created in this way, as well as molecules, cells, tissues.

Do we die? Does “we” exist? Is “me” an illusion? Every extremely tiny moment we are changing, there is an illusion of every new “me” in every new endlessly small moment. When our material body cease to function and decays it does not mean that “we” have died(it means that the functional energy loses its “lively” properties) and when a baby or an insect or a planet is born it does not mean that “another” life is created. All the energy is mutual, it belongs to the universe, it belongs to all of us, it flows and changes continuously, it splits, it connects if favorable conditions are met, it disconnects if favorable conditions are met as well, it is not happy if it connects and creates something new and fresh, it does not despair if it disconnects and some organic or inorganic formation ceases to exist. Everything is normal, everything is fine, everything is worth admiring; everything makes our jaw drops when we realize that we are not “we”, that there is no “me”, that we all are just a part of something larger, more complex.

***All the stuff presented above are related to our 3-dimensional world, which is our own Reality, different than other Reality which I have already elaborated at the following page here

Do you love jokes? If yes, I will tell you one! If not, skip it, as it is black a bit!

“A father tomato, a mother tomato and a baby tomato are walking down the street. A baby tomato is lagging behind. A father tomato turns back, squashes a baby tomato and says: “Catch-up!””

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Roots of depression and anxiety

No doubt, human civilization has advanced a lot for the last 5 centuries or so, particularly over the last 10 decades. Engineering, technology, medicine, chemical industry, astronomy…We have managed to root out extremely dangerous diseases which raged in Europe a few centuries ago and our lifespan has increased significantly.

Chemical industry has managed to produce relatively effective medication to subdue many mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety, but at what cost? Many suicidal depressed individuals have managed to bridle their illness by means of antidepressants, but many of them have become impotent, dizzy, obese, constipated, as a result of side effects. So, chemical substances will cure one disease and cause another one.

Psychologists recognize that there is a comparatively effective way to cure depression today: Talk! There are a lot of social events and online meetings when diagnosed people can talk to each other. They open up, speak frankly about their problems and feelings and this approach genuinely helps them. But, what really matters is that not only that people should talk about their problems, they should also exhibit sympathy for someone else’s problems as opposed to empathy. When depressed people visit a psychiatrist, they openly speak; he listens to them and tries to find out where the root of the problem is. He shows empathy (understanding) for their problems, but there is never honest sympathy. Understandingly, he is a professional and he cannot show sympathy for each person who comes in his office, especially when his office is crowded with patients. So more or less, we can reduce this to formality and professionalism.

When did you last invite your neighbor to visit your home? When did you last have relaxed and refreshing conversation to your fellow? When did you last laugh from the bottom of your heart? Did you watch at your clock or wrist watch every day? If you see a man lying on street do you call an ambulance or you just load him in your car and storm to hospital? Do you often buy presents to your close people or you just do it for some special occasion? When did you last slap anyone when pissed off? When did you last drink wine with a stranger from the one glass alone? When did you last share your dinner with a beggar on a street?  You see, it would mean a lot to a beggar to give him something to eat, as for you, it will not cost you a fortune and you will feel proud to give a hand to someone in need.

For such a long time, as the matter of fact thousands of years, we have lived together comforting each other when we feel danger, celebrating whenever we feel safe. We used to sleep crammed in a small area, indeed not so private, but it offered sense of security. We used to dance together, holding our hands, around a warm bonfire very often which actually reinforced our unity. We used to give honor to our ancestors through religious rituals which strengthened our bond with our fellows.

Today: our best friends are computers and up-to-date mobiles, we have superficial friends on Internet on social networks, we do not exchange smiles and energy with a friend directly instead of through our computer screen; we steer away from each other.
Generally, these facts are roots of depression and people should become aware of these facts, thus undertaking appropriate measures.

Friday, February 19, 2016

I am an Ego! Hi, Egos!

I am an Ego! We have adopted "Ego" from a Greek word Ego, which means "I". The very fact that I have been writing this post and while I write it I am aware that I have been writing it (I think , therefore I am) means that i exist as a separate individual distinctive in my attributes.

I am selfish Ego, trying to say something to you all, thus my ideas are imposed to you. Still, my ideas are meant to be well intentioned(hopefully), therefore there is a glint of hope for me that I am not so selfish and I am trying to improve myself.

We all, who try, who search, who blend together prove that there is hope for all of us who hint at an existence of something much more than this house of clay we are imprisoned into. 

Our Reality is an entity composed of classes,while classes are composed of objects. There are 3 distinctive classes living matter, non-living matter and somewhere in between(semi-living matter such as organic matter made of carbon and semi-living organisms such as viruses).

Class non-living matter consists of anything that We(intelligent human beings) worked out names of; mountains, rivers, water, stars, galaxies....and thousands other references and another millions that we will think of in the future. All these are objects mentioned above that are spanned into a Class of non-living matter.

Class living matter contains anything that We gave name to: bacteria, insects, animals... All these objects belong to a Class of living matter.

The 3 Classes as well as all objects have 3 mutual attributes: Size, mass and duration i.e. Time. This means that the entire Reality that everything co-exists in has its own size, mass and is marked by Time within which every Class and Object exhibit themselves. Size and mass are  functions of Time, which means that in time Size and mass alter. For instance, a big rock can crumble or shrink as Time passes.

Attributes of living matter

Be that as it may, as for living matter, things get a bit more complicated, especially for highly developed and self-aware creatures, such as humans. Let's pay attention to a lower organisms first...
Bacteria mainly feed on some other larger organisms and humans are not an exception. They can enter our body feed on us, reproduce and die. Pure and simple: their activities are strictly related to their inborn instinct to eat. They do not have other "Wishes" apart from their appetite and they are driven solely by their Instincts.If we skip a little more developed organisms and move directly to lions we see that they exhibit a little bit more "sophisticated" Wishes. Not only that they want to feed themselves, but they show greed to a certain extent.For instance, a chief of the pride will mate all the females and stops the other males from mating. Similarly, a portion of meat of hunted animals with the best quality goes to the head  of a pride and  his offspring. So, in the case of lions Wishes seem to be increased.

Now, let's move on the most developed species on earth, humans. Apart from all other basic Wishes mentioned above we increased the number of Wishes to a head-blowing number. Big cars, power, self-realization, career fight, gadgets, apparatus, bog houses, gardens to enjoy ourselves, easy love to relax after a few drinks...But, how to manage to fulfill all those Wishes? Besides, are we aware that it is getting ever more difficult to provide ourselves with all those commodities? After all, only a small percentage of all humans on earth will manage to provide enough funds to enjoy the "privileges " that civilization offers.

So far, you will have perceived that Wishes is an attribute of importance added to the 3 main attributes above. Considering the trend over the past 50 years it bodes ill to all of us if we continue without changes. The worst thing is that the more we want to adopt, the more complicated our life gets as we will need to spend time, money and efforts to maintain what we have adopted.As I mentioned in the other pages of this blog, the main reason for high occurrences of mental diseases nowadays is exactly our lust for material things, which is not our real nature.

Attributes of non-living matter

Mass, Size and Time.These are main attributes of non-living matter. Of course there are some other attributes that go by implication, such as velocity(velocity is equal to Path(Size) divided by Time), momentum equals to Mass multiplied by velocity, and so on). In this Reality, we as conscious beings can determine at any moment the position of  any object if we know its mass, velocity and angle(angle is actually a subattribute of Size) by means of simple Newtonian equation. For example, if we know the mass, starting velocity and angle and if we shoot off a ball we can calculate the exact position at any moment of the ball. In other words we live in a deterministic world where under certain conditions we can predict the future. In order to predict the future all that we need is to have sufficient input data and... job done! 

Anyway, if we decide to shift ourselves in a micro world things start to become weird. Micro particles will not allow us to know their entire spectrum of attributes, actually if we measure their momentum, the more accurately we determine it, the less accurate we will know their position. At a certain point if measurement shows the exact momentum(it is not possible to measure it absolutely exactly, but let's assume that it is possible) of a micro particle, this means that it can be anywhere in the Universe!!! Newtonian laws do not apply in this weird and spooky world!!! This results in Heisenberg's equation of uncertainty . The more we know about a certain attribute of a particle, the more we feel pressure of constraints to reveal the value of any other attribute. Actually, in this case we are dealing with another Reality different than our Reality that we are accustomed to. But, what Reality is Real? Logic reasoning imposes that the Reality of the micro world is Real(at least if it is not totally Real, one thing is for sure, that it is more Real than our Reality) because everything in the Universe is made from micro particles!

A Wise Man once said

A couple of thousands of years there was a wise man, which I( an Ego) personally adore, who underlined a very important message: "You people have a free will to decide what to do in your life"
This wise man explained that in order to connect to God, we need  to show attributes which for vast majority will be difficult to accept. It is not an easy task to give up an easy life, with a lot of money in our pockets(or a hope for a lot of money in the pocket), big car and plenty of beautiful girls to accompany us. All that the Wise Man wanted from us is to believe in God and His righteous nature without seeing Him with our eyes and hear Him with our ears and smell Him with our nose. The Wise Man could have brought God directly to earth to reveal Him visually to us, but in that case we would have been made to believe in God as we had all seen Him. In this case the principle of "free will" messaged from the Wise Man will be violated because we have all seen God with our eyes and as a consequence, knowing our weakling nature, we will all accept existence of God, and therefore accept His rules. This is called "bargain" in the sense:"Well, God we have seen you. Now we believe that You exist and we are assured of your power and we love You". But, even more: In this case Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty will be violated as well, because the very fact of God's appearance means certainty that God exists.

Somehow, Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the message from the Wise Man about our free will correspond to each other and overlap. Perhaps, God exist within the micro world  where only probabilities (strength of ideas) for a certain materialization reside. The more conscious we become and the firmer our bond with God grows, the better materialized world we will create together with our Creator. Superficial materialization, such as big cars, crowded cities, large houses with unnecessary gadgets and flaunted lust will be cast in oblivion as time flows.   

Hope for a loss of our Egos should be our objective. We need to melt together with God in one entity and then I will stop writing posts as my Ego will be lost. We cannot have money, power, easy "material" life and sincerely love God as well, because logical reasoning based on Uncertainty principle forbids that. 

Have a good time

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Depression and big cities

Once I lived in a big city. Once I used to wake up in the morning to get ready for work while it was still dark. When I got back from work it was dark again as I had to work all day. I couldn’t see the sunshine at all for a long time. Fortunately, there was a suitable substitution for the sunshine as a result of high-tech achievements. Neon lights coming from everywhere around us with beautiful nuances compose such a beautiful new color that I have never seen before. This is a common pattern for an average person originating from a small town to be fascinated by a commodity which comes along with the pleasure living in big cities. For a person who has never been through the streets of a big city this is such an overwhelming situation, that you look everywhere around getting fascinated by almost everything. “How come that this people are so organized? How could this buses and underground trains be so accurate and arrive always on time? Is this development a reflection on people’s mental structure?” I started me asking myself. “I guess any development or inhibition of growth rides on people’s mentality or perhaps, just perhaps it is a mixture of several causes. Who knows?”
You wake up in the morning, you prepare your breakfast, you wash up, you have your morning coffee, you exit your house, you go to your bus stop and you wait for your bus at 5.36 a.m. You finish your job late in the evening, you come home, you have supper, you wash up, and you go to bed.
The following day you have to repeat the same procedure and the following day and the following day. Finally, Saturday comes up, you could relax for a while, your wages are paid and you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. You can go to a disco, have a few liquors and then gradually you become relaxed and sluggish. Your body is relaxed now a bit, your natural instincts are in order again and you can venture yourself in some indulgences.
On Monday you repeat the same cycle, over and over again. After a few Mondays the faces in the bus you go to work with are getting familiar. Now you can realize that they look like a figure made of wax, so cold, so pale. They are staring somewhere with their eyes fixed at one single point and probably thinking of something. After a few Mondays you ask yourself some odd questions: “Are those blokes aware of my presence here in the bus. I am aware of their presence here in the bus, but are they aware of me. How could they be aware of me as they have never had a look at my face? “When I think better no one of these people all around the city have ever looked me in my eyes, apart from some people who work in stores when I go shopping or a clerk in an office. I guess out of politeness they never cast a glance at my eyes directly. I walk through the busy streets of this crowded city, we all are so close to each other but no one is aware of my being.” People in this bus should be my family, they should hear me out when I have something to say as I travel with them everyday”, I am thinking. “And all these lights have lost their beautiful colors and all nuances vanished”, “where have these lights gone?” No problem. I will get some new lights in a new bus” , “I will get some new route to work”, “even though it is going to be longer route the lights around me will be new, more beautiful, more colorful. Faces will be newer, milder, gentler, and less polite. That would be perfect”.

I ride in my new bus and it was full of people. Despite the fact that there is no room for more then 50 people there is far more in it. I couldn’t see the end of the bus to whichever direction I cast a glance. And here a miracle comes: All these people are naked except for a small piece of cloth covering their reproductive organs. They are all dancing around a bonfire. Males have long beard, long hair and females got some kind of decoration pierced in their noses. The weather is cold as it is night and there are no trees around us. It is so deserted and inhospitable area. It is so dark that I can only see the light from the fire burning my face. Now when the dance is getting finished one male of the ritual approaches to me and starts talking some language that I can’t understand. He continues repeating but I am sorry to not understand him. Then all males and females lay me on the rocky ground pointing their index fingers in the sky. It is clear so I can count millions of stars up there different in their size and illumination. The tribe is trying to communicate with me pointing their face up in the sky. The stars are so beautiful, there are no different colors only metallic color descending from the stars, from all those children of the universe. Should I feel beautiful, excited and agitated now exactly as I felt before looking at various  colors? Or should I feel calm knowing that metallic color makes me swim to an unknown direction. Is this rejuvenation real without fear of unknown? Why I am not afraid? Do I know the truth now or I just hope of the truth?

If you live in a big city the first thing that can be used as a remedy against depression is a CHANGE OF DAILY ROUTINES. For example you can change the route to work.

Some scientists also claim that city lights can spur some mental disorders as those can prevent the “light of life from stars” from shedding our bodies. We need to look at the stars at night and to be aware that our Sun is also a star and thanks to the stars we are alive. Stars are our grandfathers and all the elements we are composed of are actually all created on the stars originally. Stars are the source of energy and without them we can’t exist. Stars are composed mainly of hydrogen and helium as well as all other elements.

There are some theorists who believe that our destiny rides on the influence of the stars. On a large scale I agree with them.  Reconnect with them, reconcile with the fact that everything has its beginning and its end and show deep respect towards the stars too as they have their beginning and their end as well.

Human life is just a crumb of extension of star’s life. We share the destiny of the star, we are getting born and we die. The same applies to the star. The only difference is that the star lives much longer then us. Comprehending this awesome fact that even stars which live much longer then us, actually billions of years, will eventually die should give us a peace of mind and confirms that everything has its beginning and its end.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Insane or genius

Hi, guys

At first glance this guy nay seem to you to be a sculptor or a musician, but if you think so I assure you that you are wrong. His name is Grigori Perelman, Russian, an expert in Maths. 

The beginning of the 21st century was marked with a staggering event, when this beautiful mind, ingenious in his field, resolved one of the mysteries in mathematics, unsolvable for nearly 100 years, Poincare Conjecture.

 The Poincare Conjecture concerned the geometry of multidimensional spaces, had broad implications for relativity and quantum physics and helped to explain the shape of the universe. Regarded by many as both the cleverest and the craziest person on the planet, this man first came to the world’s attention a few years ago when it was announced that he’d solved an unsolvable maths problem.

For almost one century, the Conjecture had baffled the sharpest minds in maths, many of whom had claimed its proof, only to have their work discarded after additional critical observation. The problem had broken spirits, wasted lives. By the time that Perelman defeated the conjecture, after many years of concentrated mental effort, the Poincare had affected Grigori so severely that he ended up broken too.He cut off his contacts with his friends, started to grow beard and nails, retired at home with his mother and icing on the cake was his decision to give up on his job. A year later he declined a Field medal, the top award in mathematics and a few years later some evil tongues pronounced him the craziest man in the world when he turned down a million dollar award, explaining about himself that he was not an animal in the zoo to be displayed in all newspapers and magazines.

Now, he is man who lives with his mother, has no income, resides in a small dwelling with his mother's pension. When a journalist stole a moment to ask him: "Why did you refuse an award of a million?", Grigori simply replied: " All that I have is enough! Now that I have penetrated into the secret of the Universe, I do not need that money!". In addition the journalist perceived strong bond and respect between Grigori and his mother.

Many people who know him in one way or another pity him, however, I personally feel that he should not be pitied as he may have extracted one of the most important implication of the resolution of Poincare Conjecture. Perhaps, by means of mathematical equations and methods Grigori has reached the point where he concluded what our universe actually is, and maybe even more: what our role in the global picture is!

One of the most difficult  issues in science is to formulate the right implication of the theorems in maths. For example, one practical application of  Schroedinger wave function, which is actually one implication of it, as for Ron Garret(a software engineer and a physicist), is that our universe is not real. (if you want to know more click here). Now, the question is imposed: Is this implication ( the fact that our Universe is not real) true? How to prove that this implication is true? Answers should be left to analysts....

It is not only Grigori who is referred to as "crazy". Throughout our history we have seen ample ingenious individuals swinging over the fine line between their genius and insanity: Ludwig Von Beethoven and Winston Churchill had Bipolar disorder; Leo Tolstoy was depressive; Isaac Newton suffered from "everything", he had frequent ups and downs in a mood, indicating bipolar disorder;
Charles Dickens, Tennessee Williams, Eugene O'Neill all suffered from clinical depression, and so many more...Nikola Tesla gave up his normal life and decided to commit himself to a science, all alone without a family and steady income. He claimed that it is not he who invented all those marvelous machines, on the contrary, something or someone from somewhere is sending bits of information to him which would not let him sleep more than 2 hours a day...

A vast majority of us, humans, would simply reason that all ingenious individuals are crazy a bit and it is normal to assume that weirdness, genius and insanity go hand in hand, but no one asks himself: Why must they all exist together?

In our limited 3-dimensional world to turn down wealth, a beautiful and charming spouse, stable future, means that you are a weirdo..."Seeing" things with your eyes, "hearing" sounds with your ears(which are symptoms for people with schizophrenia) that do not exist in our Reality, do not exclude other Reality that only few are "entitled" to meet, and once they encounter it, they consider our Reality irrelevant and meaningless. Simply: Being crazy in our reality, does not negate being connected with some other Reality, much more "realistic" when we engage in it! 

If interested in a concept of different realities check this

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Some statistics about depression

Another reports coming from Norway concerning depression and related disorders are based on studies by two research groups which have conducted experiments in certain areas of the country. Statistical data reveals:" Lifetime prevalence, i.e. the proportion of the population who will have one or other mental disorder during their lifetime, ranges from 25 per cent to 52 per cent. The average prevalence is around 40 per cent." By adding the fact that large percentage of patients who suffer from one or another mental disorder do not seek any help from a professional(the reason may be that they think that this condition is not serious or they simply feel embarrassed to seek help), it turns out that the average prevalence is much higher than 40 per cent.

Do you know that alcohol consumption in Europe is 2.5 times higher than the average outside Europe and that alcohol consumption in Scandinavia has increased by around 20% over the past 10 years? Have you ever encountered the fact that immigrants from Africa and Asia drink less alcohol than ethnic Scandinavians? Do you know that 33% of people diagnosed with depression have problem with alcohol as well? Alcohol is closely related with depression and it is usual to hear from a depressed person that he/she is drowning their sorrow in the bottle after a terrible divorce or for some other reason.

I say tonight

In every defeat I have seen a portion of freedom and when it is finally over for me it has just begun!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

An aspect of God

I incline to think that we are just a participants in a very complex simulation in a highly conscious quantum computer  and all that we can see is actually Real, but real for us, real in this three-dimensional system,it is our "reality". If there is a quantum highly intelligent and conscious computer, just one level above our "reality" , then it is logical conclusion that there may be another entity one level above the quantum computer who controls anything one level beneath it.. And so on, and so on....all of them living in their own Realities. If that is the case then it is reasonable to assume for the sake of simplification that the Creator, or God, or The Force is just one level above us and He has only one goal: To make us aware of Him and to accept Him as an entity of the same kind like us!How did I come to this stand?!

For thousands of years God(The creator, The Force, the Universal Spiritual Energy) is persistently trying to get close to us, revealing His beautiful nature of purity and ultimate beauty! He has sent so many prophets, sage philosophers and enlightened individuals who witnessed of Him and our connection with Him. Unfortunately, we keep drifting apart, steering away from all divine messages constantly coming to us. Instead, we choose to develop in science, which is not so bad provided that we harness it in a right way! And again we continue to repeat the same mistakes, we develop deadly weapons by means of science, we use smooth vocabulary, but very few of us are honest! And yet, God continues to approach to us... A fingerprint of God: click here