There is a beautiful, unspoiled island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean with a beautiful climate, pleasant breeze, and moderate temperatures. Throughout the entire year, the sun can be seen in the sky sending its rays to any living creature providing it with energy in order to survive. The diversity of creatures was enormous spreading from a densely populated area with wood where different types of colored insects and animals could be found to gorgeous shapes and colors of a wide variety of marine life. Ocean was so calm covered with a nuance of blue and green color which enabled picturesque scenery of floating fish and prawns down to the sea floor.
Peter, Ana and Lee were three persons coming from three developed countries Peter was American and he is a lawyer. He is busy 12 hours a day and he has no spare time to devote to his wife and his child. He barely managed to extract these 10 days for a summer holiday and this is the time when he must enjoy, recharge his batteries and get back to his vocation of reading piles of files on the collapse of a business.
Ana is a nice educated woman, a medical doctor at a middle age who devoted her entire life to her career. She is highly ambitious and devoted to her calling and as a result, she has never had enough time to pay attention to her personal life. She lives alone with her lapdog and has no family.
Lee is a businessman from China whose only goal has always been to make money. His goal has been achieved. Now he is a rich man with a lot of privileges at his disposal. He can go wherever he wants, he can eat whatever he wants, he can drink anything he feels like, he can be in any company he wants, he can buy anything with his money. He has not heard from his only child for a long time who left home many years ago. Lee's wife has passed away recently from cancer.
These three persons are lying on the beach, randomly next to each other. Peter's young son Tom at the age of 7 is playing in the sand near the water and Peter is having a nap sunbathing. When Tom gets bored playing lonely in the sand, he goes to his father and starts saying:"Daddy let's go and swim together", while Peter's response is:" Buzz off! Can't you see that these are my sole free days when I can relax and blow off the stress?" Tom is so eager to play in the sand together with his father, longing for attention and closeness, unfortunately, his efforts are futile.
Ana is squeezed next to Peter even though she doesn't know him at all. There are too many people on the beach and this is the only vacant spot that she could pick. She is not particularly moved by Tom's nagging, after all, that is not her problem. Preoccupied with her own comfort, she strokes her pet's hair, reading a book (at this time for fun for a change), thinking who knows what, and subconsciously reconciling herself to her destiny. No doubt, she is a successful, cultured and educated woman from a high caliber.
Lee is a man grown old before his time. Spent with long years of hard work, passionately devoted to widening his company he has made an empire well-known throughout the entire world. His son decided to flee from home for some reason which caused a great pain in Lee's soul, even though his vanity has never allowed this fact to be apparent. Ever since they have had no contact whatsoever. Now the time has come for Lee to think what went wrong so many years ago." I have got everything and I have nothing", so many times this thought has crossed his mind.
Tom is like any other child, simple, open and playful. On the other hand, he can exhibit some unusual traits from time to time. At the age of 5, he was able to speak 2 foreign languages and he claimed that his origins are out of our planet. His father took him to a psychiatrist with no result. Nevertheless, Tom remained cheerful, lively child willing to socialize with other children.
He is playing in the sand and suddenly all the children playing along the beach start moving towards Tom silently. They gather together and they all raise their heads at the direction of the sun. Tom begins to mumble something that no one can understand while the other children separate and begin to make some structure of wet sand. After a while, it is obvious that the structure is a pyramid a few inches tall with three separate rooms inside. The building is finished and a channel of a bright light begins to form from the sun towards the top of the pyramid. At the same time, the temperature begins to rise to the point when it becomes unbearable. Then all Peters, Anas, Lees on the beach begin to shrink melting down to the size of a few inches height just enough to enter the pyramid. One by one they are referred to the first room where they are offered a glass of champagne each. They are taught how to simultaneously raise their glasses squeezed tightly and how to drink the contents at the same time. Then they are led into the next room where they are instructed how to run together freely holding their hands no matter what obstacle stands in front of them. Finally, they are guided into the third room with 144 windows arranged in order of the size starting from the smallest one. They are edified how to get the right perspective looking out of the windows. Once the lessons are finished, the channel between the sun and the top of the pyramid will be cut off. Peters, Anas, and Lees will remain in the pyramid until a wave strong enough will appear to make the pyramid fall down which will happen eventually. Then all Peters, Anas, and Lees will be able to grow again to their normal size to reclaim their original characters.
As everything has been changing fast recently in the development of our civilization including human's psyche, it is very likely that another Tom will be born very soon and then another one and then another one.
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